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6/20/2024 6:34:37 PM

Bungie please acknowledge the feedback on exotic class item options as you did for surges

Dear Team, Noticed in today's TWID that you acknowledge the feedback relating to raid/dungeon surges and in changing this it also removed barriers to buildcrafting as per your update on the topic today. Locking the exotic class items behind a dual player only activity also creates the same barrier for solo players when buildcrafting. please consider this, as the level of feedback and frustration was of a similar level on the forums.

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  • easynow has a good video on how its affecting those with disabilities as well. It seems to be quite easy for a lot of people to be “edgy” or just talk down to people instead of acknowledging that it could be a problem. Anxiety, autism, mute, deaf, ptsd, panic attacks. People just want to enjoy the game, and make cool builds, that would otherwise be impossible. I dont think people care if its challenging to get, but things like disabilities are just a major barrier.

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    61 Replies
    • Completely disagree. The dual mission is a lot of fun and should stay the way it is. Love the uniqueness of it.

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    • Bungie only listens to streamers for this dlc and streamers only complain when noones watching them or there vids/ tutorials and not playing the game (balls in your park)

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    • Because it's not an issue

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    • Weird how the solos complain and everyone tells them to shut up. But oh no surges—remove them

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      • How about the fact that they ONLY work on prismatic subclass!!! They forgot to mention that when they were hyping the crap out of the dlc showing off how broken it’s gonna be. They are pointless if ur not going to conform and use the new classes. I would like to see that changed.

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      • Gotta love the hypocracity of the D2 community. The same people saying "Solo players should get over it and play the game the way Bungie wants" are the same ones that cried and demanded Bungie remove burns from dungeons and raids because they didn't want to play the game the way Bungie wants.

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        31 Replies
        • I wouldn’t hold my breath. I detailed a post on Reddit (stupid I know) and I tried to do my best to outline my issues with the mission and how they could remedy this for solos. It wasn’t even allowed to be posted and eventually was removed entirely by the mods. When I asked why I got crickets so yeah nothings going to be resolved on that, they’d rather show movie of the week instead of even acknowledging a problem or possible solutions to meet people halfway. Plus I’ve noticed an uptick in Bungie sponsoring content creator videos recently so you’ll be hard pressed to see it brought up by the talking heads. It’s a losing battle which is fine, they obviously want the game to go in a new direction so 10 years is a pretty good stopping point for some of us.

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          • Edited by Heretic: 6/21/2024 7:14:52 PM
            They did acknowledge the feedback in a way though. [quote]That’s all we have for this week. [i]Hopefully[/i] you’re settling into The Final Shape and Echoes, [i]getting some nice Exotic Class Items[/i] and Ergo Sum rolls,[i] testing some crazy Prismatic builds[/i], and earning patterns for the new weapons. And having tons of fun, of course! [i]Let's keep doing that.[/i] Destiny 2 Community Team[/quote] Essentially they're hoping that it will all go quiet on the point of feedback about obtaining the Exotic Class Items and players will provide them with data for balancing by using Prismatic. Look, I absolutely get it, [i]some players[/i] are being excluded from obtaining the Exotic Class Item due to varying reasons. For others, it's a case of simply not being prepared to try something a little different or excluding their preferred playstyle. Could Bungie offer a different avenue to obtaining Exotic Class Items? Sure. Should they? Depends on if they actually want to be as inclusive as they like to say they are (unless of course they just like to virtue signal like other companies, but do not really care or believe in supporting others) Myself? I enjoy solo play, I also enjoy teaming up occasionally for more difficult content that doesn't require a mic or text chat etc. With regards to Prismatic? I'm quite happy to simply not use the subclass if it's going to be subpar without the Exotic Class Item. Either way, you do you. Just stop expecting Bungie to acknowledge anything that they do not consider game breaking,[i] because they don't really care about the players or community.[/i]

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          • Edited by Artisan: 6/23/2024 11:34:02 AM
            Yeah they just tried to blank the whole thing. Nothing to see here, move along, business as usual. "Hopefully you’re settling into The Final Shape and Echoes, getting some nice Exotic Class Items (LOL) and Ergo Sum rolls, testing some crazy Prismatic builds(LOL)..." So you don't watch YouTube, read Reddit, Twitter, or your Forums then. Good job.

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          • not only is bungie not going to give other options for the class item. they are sponsoring dual destiny on streamers paying to advertise highlighting dual destiny . completely opposite of what they should be doing. rest in peace destiny .

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              If you’re a solo player you cannot expect to get everything

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            • The good news is that next time they have an expansion and anything to boost pre-orders the community will pester bungie relentlessly about access.

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            • the mission is perfect no need to change it, easily one of the best missions bungie has ever made

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            • 11
              leave mechanics that require more then one player to raids, or better yet adjust the BS mechanics to allow for random match making. l see nothing wrong with that .

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            • when are people gonna realize that not all content is for all people

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            • Edited by Hawpy: 6/22/2024 11:31:03 AM
              The difference is "this thing makes activities harder for everyone" versus "I am intentionally imposing limits on myself that prevent me from doing this". You have to do the mission once and then you can farm them solo all you like. It isn't getting addressed because it is not a real issue. The mission would not work as a solo experience, and there is nothing stopping you from using the in-game Fireteam Finder to get a partner. Other items are locked behind skill barriers, there are plenty of Raid and Dungeon exclusives, even Microcosm requires co-op missions. Having to speak a few symbol names and numbers over the course of half an hour or so is not some massive obstacle. Someone else said that only 10% of players have completed the mission; I don't know how accurate that is, but I know for a fact that debilitating mental conditions and other disabilities do not affect 90% of players, despite their claims. As other people have said before, if you can't do this mission for whatever reason, you have zero need for the class item.

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              2 Replies
              • that surge update feels exactly like the shader one.. 10 steps back without solving the issue at all

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              • In this same vein, removing restrictions on champion weapons will remove barriers to buildcrafting as well

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              • Agree

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              • You only need to beat Dual Destiny ONCE and then can farm the class item via pale heart chests. If you won’t put the effort in to beat it once, you don’t deserve the loot. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s my opinion, I only feel bad for players who have a disability restricting them.

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              • It's simple Destiny doesn't like us let's walk away. Seen one poster say we're the minority, yet only about 10 percent of all players have completed mission. Let the 90 percent walk away. Let's see if they even have a game

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                4 Replies
                • I waited until the second twab and when they didn't even mention the issue, I requested a refund for TFS. I suggest everyone else do the same -They specifically, intentionally excluded solo and disabled people from obtaining a highly advertised part of tfs.

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                    I’ll pose this in a different light. This effects your build crafting? I ask how? What are you build crafting for? If playing with others is the highlight of the issue then you’re not playing peak content anyway. Sure there are a limited amount of players soloing dungeons, but let’s be real most “casual” players aren’t doing that. Master and Grandmaster nightfalls maybe? But then you’re fireteam finding so why can’t you do it for this activity? I assure you I’m not trying to be an -blam!- here but this is just a ludicrous outcry from the solo/casual community over an item that is just flat out not essential.

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                    48 Replies
                    • Somewhat on topic, how do I find people to play with again? I finally found some time to knock out the dual, figured I'd jump online to post a thread in Bungie's LFG area......but where is that area? I can only find the same crappy fireteam builder they have in-game and a clan forum. So there's no free-typing forum for LFG?

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                      • It’s the best exotic mission ever made, suck it up and LFG, you might actually have a good time.

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