Axes are literally impacting behind me, outside of my FOV. I have multiple clips of this happening. Something needs to be done ASAP. This completely ruins the super.
Edit: Figured a way to post clips on mobile
Edited by Kiro - 13: 6/18/2024 8:51:09 PMAtleast your super cant get stuck in a wall. Or count super kills as "enemy down" with the kill going to the architects not the player, never registering your point/kill into the game score. Silence & Squall does both thoes things. The later bug(super kills counting as architects kills) I can recreate with a 100% success rate and have reported it to Bungie. They do not care. Welcome to the world of the revenant hunter, holding the title of lowest usage for the hunter class. Maybe because its a void titan super you might get noticed and have the problem fixed.