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Edited by Kabr’s Revenge (Adept): 6/15/2024 7:17:50 PM

What people are not getting about solo’s being upset about the class item quest.

I’m on the solo players side on this one. It’s not that they hate the mission or anything like that. The problem is “ACCESS TO THE MISSION ITSELF FOR SOLO PLAYERS!” Please explain to me why, Solo players can access a “6 MAN RAID!” Wonder though it like nobody’s business and even complete it solo if they have the capacity to do so but, when it comes to this “Dual Destiny” mission, it is blocked off unless you have another player? So you mean to tell me… a 6 Man endgame raid can be accessible and conquered (BY ONE PERSON) but a silly exotic class mission is blocked? And this makes sense to you guys? C’mon. I like teaming up with other Guardians myself and even I think that’s an asinine thing to do. Let the solo’s get access to it and run it how they want, just like the raids which is designed as a 6 man thing and let them cook.

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  • Almost all content can be done in a group (easy mode) or done solo (more difficult.) So that should be considered when creating new content [b]b[/b]ung has been getting off on talking about agency, but doing absolutely nothing to follow through with their words.

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  • Cringe argument. Continue to seethe, solo babies.

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  • [quote]Please explain to me why, Solo players can access a “6 MAN RAID!” Wonder though it like nobody’s business and even complete it solo if they have the capacity to do so but, when it comes to this “Dual Destiny” mission, it is blocked off unless you have another player? [/quote] Because the core mechanic of the mission revolves around having a second person with you and if Bungie let solo players go in but made the mission impossible to solo, solo players would be just as mad as they are right now...

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  • Your argument is false. Bungie has specifically been designing raids to make them so you can't solo them due to mechanics requiring at least 2 people and if you are soloing it then your either glitching the encounters or cheating so that wouldn't be a legitimate solo

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    13 Replies
    • I think a thing a lot of the solo players don't get is, a lot of us aren't saying they shouldn't have access to the exotics solo m, just that they are making wild claims to try and justify it. While this is the internet, and someone will just say "get gud", they'd get less pushback to their complaints if they'd stop conflating something they don't like with wildly hyperbolized ideas. Make reasonable posts, stating you want a solo option because you like to play solo, and the exotic class items are part of the package of prismatic. It's a reasonable request that can stand on its own without the need to do the text equivalent of the woman pointing at the cat meme.

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      10 Replies
      • Even if they made the mission itself accessible to solos, which they should. It’s physically impossible to complete solo.

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        5 Replies
        • you also can't get microcosm without a fire team

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          • Edited by Vypur: 6/16/2024 12:44:15 AM
            Unfortunately bungie specifically designed it so that you cannot run it solo. They would have to change specific mechanics in the quest. Now, why they would design a quest for an item that they heavily marketed, an essential piece of gear for the prismatic subclass just to tell a good portion of their player base to -blam!- off on top of never mentioning this requirement in ALL of the marketing baffles the -blam!- out of me. Well it doesnt really, it might just be spinfoil but im willing to bet they KNEW that, that portion of the base wouldnt have preordered or bought TFS if they knew about this beforehand. Lets face it, even before all the hype towards the launch TFS is still the lowest selling expansion since forsaken.

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            13 Replies
            • I think it's like a lot of things these days: "It's not that the fortunate don't understand the issues people are facing; they simply don't care."

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              • You can’t even get out of the first room solo?

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                • Agree 👍

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                • [quote]I’m on the solo players side on this one. It’s not that they hate the mission or anything like that. The problem is “ACCESS TO THE MISSION ITSELF FOR SOLO PLAYERS!” Please explain to me why, Solo players can access a “6 MAN RAID!” Wonder though it like nobody’s business and even complete it solo if they have the capacity to do so but, when it comes to this “Dual Destiny” mission, it is blocked off unless you have another player? So you mean to tell me… a 6 Man endgame raid can be accessible and conquered (BY ONE PERSON) but a silly exotic class mission is blocked? And this makes sense to you guys? C’mon. I like teaming up with other Guardians myself and even I think that’s an asinine thing to do. Let the solo’s get access to it and run it how they want, just like the raids which is designed as a 6 man thing and let them cook.[/quote] Then nothing would be different. The same players who want to do it solo would complain they can't solo it.

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                  • Edited by Omega: 6/16/2024 6:57:40 AM
                    Taking a 6 man raid being completed by a solo is an outrageous example. That takes immense skill and focus unless you're doing it with lazy cheeses like taniks in deepstone crypt. People can come up with whatever excuse or reason to vote against this 2 man mission but you're playing an MMO for crying out loud. If ur gonna stay solo reap the solo rewards to ur hearts extend. Or spend 2 hours max and get to farm the exotic class item all u want afterwards.

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                    12 Replies
                    • Oh so you just want to be able to go into the mission? That's fine. Tell me.. how do you plan on getting both buffs and reading everything? The whole mission is based on the premise of light & dark becoming one to further empower our guardians. Can't have one without the other.

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                    • No

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                    • Edited by Paul5013: 6/16/2024 10:40:13 PM
                      And that is perhaps the dumbest arguments you solo players have brought up so far. You might be able to fly into a raid solo, but the mechanics still give you a minimum of guardians needed to complete them, up to four (without cheats or glitches). In Dual Destiny this number is 2. Bungie doesnt deny you the opportunity to complete the activity solo by limiting access to duos, Bungie stops you from wasting your time solo. Yes, people might find some glitch to cheese the activity solo, but that is not how the mission is intended to be played and the effort that is supposed to be necessary for that, so Bungie is under no obligation to let people poke holes into the mission. The funniest thing about this argument is, that even if the mechanics didnt require two people, most if not all of you wouldnt be able to clear it solo regardless. Everyone Ive looked up so far connected to all the complaints didnt even clear a dungeon solo-flawless.

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                      15 Replies
                      • Tell me you’ve seen the ingame mechanics without telling me you’ve seen the ingame mechanics

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                      • When was the last time someone solo'd a whole raid?? Exactly, shut yo goofy ahh up. You can not solo this, at all, I dont think youve actually seen the ingame mechanics, but its tied and catered to a two man team. Quit complaining and go find a friend already.

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                        15 Replies
                        • Last I checked, most players hadn’t completed a raid, let alone solo one. They’re designed for teams.

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                        • I really do think if it were any other exotic the reaction wouldn't be this bad

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                          2 Replies
                          • Edited by Willakkuma: 6/16/2024 3:51:28 AM
                            Of the millions of Destiny players over the past decade, what percenrtage have solo completed a Raid? Yeah, I don't know either but my money is on - far far less than 1%. It took 10 years for someone to solo VOG's Gatekeeper, stand alone. The numbers say only around 11% of players have completed a Raid at all. According to only 2.34% have discovered the recently released Outbreak Perfected via Exotic Mission.... Yes, is just one source, but the overall number is small. Same goes for the other examples we're talking about.....there aren't hairs to split. In other words, in practical terms......even if there was a solo version of Dual available and it hypothetically yielded a completion rate comparable to Outbreak's, there wouldn't be much of an argument to be found against implementing 2's. We'll never know a solo figure for Dual. This is purely a hypothetical conversation piece. What we do have is Destiny case history, and it points toward a low completion rate for Dual solo's if it the entire "access" point could be viewed as moot. What we also have is knowledge of Bungie intent with The Final Shape. It declared the toughest Raid to date (and delivered)....and also declared other aspects to be intentionally difficult. **As a side bar - I realize not everyone is happy about the approach, but think of it as a grand finale at a fireworks show. What any of us might choose do with our _____ (fill in the blank) creation is a matter for consideration. I believe you answered part of your own question - yes the exotic class item is key with Prismatic. So.... Being armed with completion rate numbers like the ones mentioned above.....Bungie probably decided to telegraph and streamline the path for Dual as a two player function. Some may agree with the thought, some may not...but it's plausible. I suspect those rejecting will more or less have only "out of touch" or "catering to elites" (plus the obligatory meaningless downvotes) as a reply with regard to Bungie train of thought. Thats just my guess. I"ve not attempted Dual yet, but judging from the accountings I've seen - it's very doable. I've seen a number of help threads posted. I suspect the completion rate will land at a relatively high number over time. It's still early. In any case, you posed the question and this is out there for consumption. Personally, I'm glad Bungie decided to conclude the ten yeas to date with a bang.

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                            10 Replies
                            • Edited by Kazooie: 6/17/2024 4:42:44 AM
                              Soloing a raid has never been an intentional design by bungie. Any time you see someone solo a raid, glitches and specific strats are used. So I don’t feel using the argument that raids have been soloed is a valid argument and I could be wrong, but I don’t think bungie likes it when raids can be soloed (I’ll explain later in this post). Crota for example was a very common raid to solo in D1 however; it required unintended behavior to cross the bridge. You had to sword swing to get across. And then when they remastered it in d1, you had to sword swing to get across and then self rez to get back to the starting side and rinse and repeat. Bungie specifically changed how the bridge encounter worked in d1 when they remastered in such a way that at a glance, it would require a team of 6 to do. They even added more death barriers to try and prevent people from sword swinging across. But unintended behavior still allowed the encounter to be soloed. Yes you can load into a raid solo, but even if you could load into the mission solo, there would have to be a glitch to bypass every single room which is very unlikely. On top of bypassing every room, you have to do it before the timer runs out and I bet just the set up for one glitch will probably run down the whole timer. The timer doesn’t reset either unless an encounter is completed. There is also a couple of times where you teleport to the next encounter in the mission, so it could be possible that all the areas aren’t even on the same map plane and therefore impossible to reach without triggering the event that teleports you after completing the encounter. Could it be possible to solo? Yes, a very slim chance, and I mean almost next to nothing chance of soloing with many glitches. But the strat for it wouldn’t be found anytime soon most likely. Yea bungie could allow solos to load in, but this still would change nothing. They will load into a room exactly like the one in a patrol. Run around a little, see a glowing barrier and some plates and hopefully quickly realize that they can’t even get past the intro mechanic. For now, if someone wants to try and “cook” and “solo” the mission, they can load in with an alt account, friend, or random and just have them stay still while you try to figure something out but good luck

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                            • 🤷🏼‍♂️

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                            • I mean… you could launch it and get stuck instantly as you can’t even leave the first room. It doesn’t really make a difference if you can’t even get any progress in the mission without another person.

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                            • People do not not need to "get it". It's your problem, not theirs to care about.

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                            • I agree

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