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6/10/2024 2:12:35 PM

Bungie, Titans really need a lot of help

Apologies if this may be long winded, but in the current state of the game, Titans need a lot of help, possibly even a rework. I’d like to start by discussing the new Titan prismatic subclass. It feels like there is next to no synergy with our light and dark abilities in our toolkit. Having 3 charges of consecration via blade fury is nice, but it feels like you need to lean all in on either light or dark abilities to get the respective bar to fill. Additionally, we’re supposedly the “melee” class (more on this later), yet there are no aspects or fragments in our prismatic toolkit that improve our melee regeneration. Thundercrash needs a buff, without Cuirass, it doesn’t deal nearly enough damage to offset the risk that using it entails, we are essentially putting ourselves point blank with the boss. Additionally, Cuirass is basically unusable right now because Thundercrash hit detection is nonexistent. And you only deal increased damage with Cuirass when you directly hit the target, not splash damage. you can fly right at your target, and just never connect because the game isn’t registering your connection to the hit box. And even if this weren’t an issue, the biggest problem with running Tcrash is that many times, a dps phase on a boss requires you to stand in a specific spot to get the buff that allows you to deal damage, but you lose that buff the moment you launch into your Tcrash because you have to hit the boss with your body to deal damage. On our solar subclass, the cooldown on the bonk hammer feels way too long, i get that Titans could just spam bonk hammer point blank, but that’s also carried the risk involved in being at that range in the first place. Like making the cooldown half the duration it’s at right now would feel much more manageable. The hammer of sol super would offer a nice ranged damage super, a buff to its damage would go a long way to alleviating our lack of a viable long ranged damage super. On our void subclass, the shield throw melee feels incredibly weak at times, i get that it can hit multiple targets, but many times it feels like it can’t even kill a red bar thrall in lower end content. On our stasis subclass, please, for the love of the traveler, fix the hit registration and target tracking on our shivering strike melee, i can’t even tell you how many times i’ll go to activate it while looking at the target right in front of me, only for my shivering strike to overshoot the target without evening connecting with them. It’s been like this since beyond light. Now i’m going to discuss the role of Titans as the “melee class”. Can we please get off this train? Titans don’t even have the best melee build in the game, that belongs to Hunters. And in endgame content like GMs or day one raids, our abilities no longer provide the survivability to offset the inherent risk of engaging targets at point blank range. (Do you know how frustrating it is to be unable to engage a tormentor with a titan super because it will just suppress you out of it immediately?) we also lack the ability to deal burst damage to a boss outside of spitting distance. And even then, they’re only viable when you have a specific exotic equipped (Cuirass for Tcrash, Pyrogail for burning maul) The new Twilight Arsenal super, on paper, seems like a step in the right direction, but there are 3 major flaws: 1. It takes way too long to cast, please reduce the time it takes to cast, 2. The target tracking is straight up drunk if there’s anything with 3 postal codes of your intended target, and 3. The axes will block you and your teammates from shooting your weapons at a boss if one of them happens to land right in front of you. In conclusion i’ll pose the following question: what do Titans provide that can’t be done better by Hunters or Warlocks?

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  • I’m in the same boat. Prismatic titan is only viable as long as you are constantly punching everything. Makes harder content with high HP enemies so difficult to do compared to Hunter and Warlock.

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  • Edited by xKAMI QCx: 6/11/2024 6:26:04 AM
    Bungie logic : ''We hear you, we will nerf every meta subclasses from other classes so titans can feel more powerful, thank you for your feedback. Please feel free to stop by our Eververse store at the exit to buy one of our newly released ornements for our recently nerfed exotics.''

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  • Make the twilight arsenal debuff 35%, keep the duration the same.

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    • I titan has been extremely squishable this season. I run my other characters and have no problem but on titan no survivability

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    • Again Bungie reads this post and makes the decision to nerf synthocepts cause WHY NOT!?

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    • Honestly this is why I'm just staying on Hunter until d3 comes out. I'm so damn sick of playing Warlock, I'm not touching that class ever again. I'd like to play more titan but they SEVERELY lack the same constant firepower that Hunters do. Last I checked Hunters had 9 of the best damaging and all around best supers in the entire game, as well as the best fragments, abilities, and jumps. With the introduction of Exotic Class Items its only going to get worse because anything Titans had that were unique are now available to other classes.

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    • I honestly stop reading when you said no fragment to increase melee regen. Don't we get a starting one where light weapons increase melee regen and dark weapons increase grenade...

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      6 Replies
      • Prime example of what I mean when I say Titans will whine the minute they are knocked down a peg or taken off the top of the wall. You don’t need help, you just got brought in-line with everyone else. And for the record, I enjoy my Titan, but stop acting like they got savagely neutered.

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        7 Replies
        • You are so right I had a an idea with this, this post will be long 😅 Void: lean into the hunker down/tank aspect more, take away all melee boosting -blam!-. Make it so Void overshield (OS) gets a 10hp bump each time you get a kill with anything if you already have one (think devour but liteversion). This is a small change but would make the class feel 10x better. Solar: Sol invictus - delete restoration add radiant, Loreley - solar and kinetic weapons scorch while you have sol invictus. Hammer - not pickupable but blows up after a hit that adds scorch. The idea here is to lean into the artillery or full offence feel. Stasis, arc: i honestly don't know, that's how badly designed these are imo (you can disagree that's completely fine but I cant find anything good about behemoth in pve except niche dmg strats) Arc i guess just focus on nading more. Strand: keep as is.

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        • Edited by Athos SD: 6/11/2024 6:11:13 AM
          [quote]Apologies if this may be long winded, but in the current state of the game, Titans need a lot of help, possibly even a rework. I’d like to start by discussing the new Titan prismatic subclass. It feels like there is next to no synergy with our light and dark abilities in our toolkit. Having 3 charges of consecration via blade fury is nice, but it feels like you need to lean all in on either light or dark abilities to get the respective bar to fill. Additionally, we’re supposedly the “melee” class (more on this later), yet there are no aspects or fragments in our prismatic toolkit that improve our melee regeneration. Thundercrash needs a buff, without Cuirass, it doesn’t deal nearly enough damage to offset the risk that using it entails, we are essentially putting ourselves point blank with the boss. Additionally, Cuirass is basically unusable right now because Thundercrash hit detection is nonexistent. And you only deal increased damage with Cuirass when you directly hit the target, not splash damage. you can fly right at your target, and just never connect because the game isn’t registering your connection to the hit box. And even if this weren’t an issue, the biggest problem with running Tcrash is that many times, a dps phase on a boss requires you to stand in a specific spot to get the buff that allows you to deal damage, but you lose that buff the moment you launch into your Tcrash because you have to hit the boss with your body to deal damage. On our solar subclass, the cooldown on the bonk hammer feels way too long, i get that Titans could just spam bonk hammer point blank, but that’s also carried the risk involved in being at that range in the first place. Like making the cooldown half the duration it’s at right now would feel much more manageable. The hammer of sol super would offer a nice ranged damage super, a buff to its damage would go a long way to alleviating our lack of a viable long ranged damage super. On our void subclass, the shield throw melee feels incredibly weak at times, i get that it can hit multiple targets, but many times it feels like it can’t even kill a red bar thrall in lower end content. On our stasis subclass, please, for the love of the traveler, fix the hit registration and target tracking on our shivering strike melee, i can’t even tell you how many times i’ll go to activate it while looking at the target right in front of me, only for my shivering strike to overshoot the target without evening connecting with them. It’s been like this since beyond light. Now i’m going to discuss the role of Titans as the “melee class”. Can we please get off this train? Titans don’t even have the best melee build in the game, that belongs to Hunters. And in endgame content like GMs or day one raids, our abilities no longer provide the survivability to offset the inherent risk of engaging targets at point blank range. (Do you know how frustrating it is to be unable to engage a tormentor with a titan super because it will just suppress you out of it immediately?) we also lack the ability to deal burst damage to a boss outside of spitting distance. And even then, they’re only viable when you have a specific exotic equipped (Cuirass for Tcrash, Pyrogail for burning maul) The new Twilight Arsenal super, on paper, seems like a step in the right direction, but there are 3 major flaws: 1. It takes way too long to cast, please reduce the time it takes to cast, 2. The target tracking is straight up drunk if there’s anything with 3 postal codes of your intended target, and 3. The axes will block you and your teammates from shooting your weapons at a boss if one of them happens to land right in front of you. In conclusion i’ll pose the following question: what do Titans provide that can’t be done better by Hunters or Warlocks?[/quote] I noticed the hit detection on thundercrash is not registering and you literally fly past your intended target. This has to be the most annoying thing and needs to be addressed.

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        • For pve titans are great, for pvp if you play hyper aggressive and are good at that then titan works really well. I play more on the passive side and I can't due titan anymore, all the nerfs have killed it in pvp for me.

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        • lol?

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        • Titans have never needed help, only nerfs cos they're always over powered.

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          14 Replies
          • Preach

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          • If they could remove the diamond lance cooldown that’ll be great but i agree hopefully the exotic class items help because it feels like I can’t put on any exotic.

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          • The problem for Titan overall is we lack the ranged capability.....which is what the other two make up for. Overall they're doing good right now to a degree. Could be better for sure. The real problem is Titan being an up close an personal class......when most of the game makes getting up close incredibly high risk especially in Endgame. So what do we need? A rework? Perhaps. We need some of our ranged capability to come up a lot to be on par with how the game has gone. Twilight Arsenal was a good step in that direction. Only thing I got right now is Hammer of Sol being buffed for that long range no ground dps (i.e. boss fights from platforms with now tracking making T Crash / Pyrogale unusable).

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          • The new titan super seems pretty good imo but I agree that the lack of melee related perks kinda defeats the purpose of them being the “melee class”. I made a nasty synthoceps melee build last season that was one of the most OP builds ever but in general doesn’t really bring much to the team. It’s seems like bungie made hunters the powerful invis solo cheesers, warlocks the turret/healing supporters, and titans the dumb cavemen that smash everything.

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          • Titans being a melee heavy class is starting to not work well for the simple reason a tormentor will take your super if you get close, other have stomp mechanics. The void arsenal is rubbish because its weak. Definitely not a class I'd use. I mean titans already get screwed over with that new exotic chest plate. Oh yeah, tiny little rockets is all well and good until you find out Hunters get a new grenade that works similar, solar and now the strongest grenade in the game and they don't even need a exotic

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            • I think the most damning stat is the 1% of contest mode completions were on Titans. Seriously, (as a Titan main) we’ve been screaming for more dps options for supers for years. Arsenal is a good move in the right direction but again the contest mode stats for Salvations Edge is pretty damning on the balance for endgame PvE.

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              5 Replies
              • Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 6/10/2024 10:06:33 PM
                I’m actually fine with Titans being a melee-heavy class, but I think you’re right about survivability. We need some major updates to survivability via analyzing the actual gameplay loop and thinking about how to make it useful in endgame content. Take Knockout for example. Bungie doesn’t seem to understand that nobody wants to dive into a mob on a GM to proc Knockout and get the melee chain going. Because that would be dumb. You’re probably going to die instantly. And even if you do manage to get that first kill, you’ll probably get killed by another ad anyways. If Knockout increased your melee damage by like 1000% or something crazy, then it’d be fine. There’d be a sufficient reward associated with the high risk of running into combat to punch a tanky ad. In that case: you [i]might[/i] die OR you might pull off an insane maneuver that gets your team out of a sticky situation. Right now though, it’s just the following: you [i]might[/i] die OR you might not…. And that’s it. Sorry for the text wall, as a Titan main this has been on my mind for a long time

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                • How many players completed the raid in comp mode using titan? last I heard it was 2

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                  • That's pretty rough.

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                    8 Replies
                    • Yes agreed with most of this. Especially the “melee train. Can titans please evolve past this??

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                      6 Replies
                      • The most over powered class in the game need help lol

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                        4 Replies
                        • I was doing the legendary campaign and found prismatic to be lack luster sometimes. The shield aspect I actually used a lot because the survivability and damage it does is quite useful. Where I found issues was with the old changes to knock out and the new ones. It being stupid and not refreshing on damaging the enemy like it used to is really starting to make it annoying to run. The health regen was almost always leaving more to be desired especially when you compare it to devour. That's also the only health regen passive available outside of a fragment that I threw on just to make melee actually comfortable to do. The new titan super is actually really strong feeling, but the axe pick ups not procing any survivability perks the titans have access to made grabbing them not always super valuable. The tracking and hitbox of the thrown super is also kinda wonky. Numerous times I'd have 1 axe track at the target I'm aiming at, then the second one goes where ever it wants and the third one tracks right again. I'm actually pretty content with the ability choices but kinda wish they just gave us strikers shoulder charge for the blind over sheer damage that all of them already do. I also wish fist of havoc was the option over thundercrash. There's a lot of times during the campaign where a super good add clear super would've been perfect. Berserker is still fine at it, but FoH wouldve eaten up some of those enemy filled encounters. The titans prismatic grenade is honestly really good. When I played with my warlock friends using prismatic, devour was such a big difference in power. They could play so much more recklessly and still get out of there alive. Obviously titans can too, but it wasn't as simple as just killing with anything. Shield toss is easily my new favorite melee after they buffed it. It struggles with tracking still sometimes, but it wipes red bars easily and it's extra survivability is amazing. Legit if throwing hammer was an option I'd probably not pick it just because of the void overshields. I feel like prismatic for titan is just a lot of pieces put together that only really work cause the titans base abilities are strong. The synergy is pretty lack luster.

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                          6 Replies
                          • For harder content, you want Consencration/Knockout on Stasis, Strand Melee, Strand grenade, with a Stasis Headstone hand cannon, Arc rocket sidearm, Dragonsbreath. Exotic to use is Precious Scars. Ground slams x3, Transcendent ground slams x4-6. Knockout for free health by punching small things to death, healing on ground slam, healing via Precious Scars by getting a kill matching your super. Stasis super for ground slams only don't use melee launch goal is to damage bosses and provide cover against ads. For close range and tight areas, Consecration/Knockout. Strand super, Strand Grenade, Strand Melee, Final Warning sidearm, Arc rocket sidearm, LMG for Tormentor. Not sure how your using Prismatic but I am almost invincible, even when I ran the Legend campaign yesterday, which I did cause I was bored and wanted the chest piece. The chest piece goes great with my Stasis build. Void Axes are great, imagine its a Shadowshot, you need good positioning for it to do anything. Exotic suggestions: Heart of the Inmost Light, Precious Scars, Pyrogale Gauntlets, Abeyant Leap, Khepris Horn.

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