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Edited by Sol Goodguy: 6/5/2024 11:40:41 AM

The Stasis Changes are unwarranted. I think this might hurt pvp stasis forever

Hello, Titan Behemoth Main here ever since beyond light came out. I stumbled into cryoclasm slide cancelling on the very first day an been in love ever since. the first iteration was a little messy, but it had a interesting fun movement that allowed me to play catchup to the other classes movements on the maps. I honed my skills, raised my winrate to 50% somehow due to just enjoying sliding around and getting a better shot I guess. I'm still not the best around but I just love the gamefeel of the guns and the sliding so much. I criticize the changes from a place of passion. The sprint limitation was a genius move, it not only made cryoclasm powerful and on the right hands infinite to move from point A to point B, due to the nature of cryoclasm being a fixed movement, it was balanced as hell due to you having to commit into launching yourself into danger. It became a exercise of keeping up with the movement. I come to the forums pleading for a second look because the cryoclasm change makes this already niche class suffer even more on pvp, due to it now being completely out of the player's control when he wants to use cryoclasm or not. You now have to play around a 4 second cooldown. I noticed the past couple seasons that bungie has rolled back a lot of harsh nerfs that the classes had... and it somehow made behemoth worse. hit reg being off on shiver strike, no easy way to land back down from long heights ever since the weight change was rolled back. I'd appreciate if there was a pve incentive to cryoclasm, maybe a damage resistance if you shatter. That would be better than changing how the mechanic works and not necessarily making it better. Any other class can slide on a corner for competitive play. It'll take a 4 second adjustment for every engagement and the end result is a sloppy change that will most likely make the class non existent in the crucible unless its someone like me that just loves the donkey kong roll jump esque nature of the cancel. The damage being doubled was awesome. I always enjoyed putting a bubble or the mini bubble glaive and spam shatter on bosses. now its standard damage and i'm enjoying it on prismatic on the diamond lances, but that doesn't excuse the complete assassination of the rest of the class mechanics. You have a good thing here bungie. Lean into it like you do with your dedication to dawnblades. It's their identity to have movement so why not titan as well? Cryoclasm is a weighty movement that fits titan really well; every single nerf in the past couple seasons to titan has made titan sluggish or needlessly stiff to play, to the point that I can't play shoulder tackle titan anymore. Behemoth is my comfort food in this game on the lulls and now it got needlessly hit to score attention with a audience that won't even care about the aspect at all. I have the utmost respect for the ability sandbox team for making so many cool things in the game over the years, but when something is just a bad change, I feel like it needs to be voiced. I hope this plea has found you well and that the final shape release smooths its edges out along the rest of the days.

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  • Bumping this one with my sad reassessment of the changes. They made cryoclasm inconsistent now for some reason. One more to the pile of unwanted stasis changes I suppose. I think it might be a sliding bug as I also encountered that with amplified. I guess I'll have to make my home in prismatic for now If I wanna go fast. It really sucks as cryoclasm was one of my most favourite things in the game. You guys really missed the mark by killing the slide cancel's consistency this time around bungie. I am shocked that time and again my niche builds keep getting slammed to the ground. first AE ruining in air accuracy for hipfire builds, something that requires aim assist to feel remotely good, And now this really makes me sad that cryoclasm might never be the same if the changes aren't reversed. Shocked, Floored. This is my humble plea for a reassessment of these changes as they frankly ruin a completely harmless aspect for no reason. If you don't know how good it felt before, I made a video about a year ago showcasing all that I loved about this. It dies a silent death sadly and has me frankly shocked that out of all things to get shot from the sides it was this.

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