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Edited by Dennis, Master Of Titans: 5/25/2024 1:32:43 AM

Competetive SBMM

Okay I’m getting sick and tired of Competetive’s skill based matchmaking. When I play in a 3 stack (a full 3 man fireteam), I go on winning streaks. I finish every match with either the most kills, the most damage or all of the above. But then I decide to solo queue and the SBMM puts really bad players on my team and then puts all good players on the enemy team. I’m adept 2 and I got thrown into an ascendant match. One of my teammates had on this season’s ascendant emblem and his wifi lagged him out of the game like 2 minutes in and then he rejoined about 2 minutes before the match ended. So me and this other random ran through a match that, for the most part, was a 2v3 lobby in a rank decently higher than mine. I got 16 kills, 3 zone captures, 5,055 damage and had a 1.0CE. The random who didn’t lag out got 9 kills, 2 zone captures, 3,574 damage and had a 0.56CE. The random who lagged out got 8 kills, 0 zone captures, 1,031 damage and a 0.67CE. We lost the match and it took 118 points from my Competetive rank. Bungie, this isn’t even remotely fair whatsoever. If I’m in adept and playing in matches with ascendant players, you shouldn’t be taking 118 points from me. I stat tracked the enemy team and they were all higher ranked than me and had way better stats in crucible than me. It’s like this every single time I solo queue or 2 stack. There’s always at least one random who throws the game entirely and then I get punished massively for it. I know for a fact I belong in ascendant lobbies but I’m not going to be able to get to ascendant if bungie keeps putting trash players on my team and then expects me to hard carry and punishes me when I’m unable to. Just because I go on a winning streak with a good team doesn’t mean I can win with a bad team. Competetive is a team based game mode. No matter how good I am, there’s no way I can carry 2 bad players in adept lobbies and ascendant lobbies. Can somebody please explain to me how I can stop bungie from completely obliterating my rank?

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