Dude like wtf, I keep disconnecting. This doesn't happen when I'm on pc. Everytime I jump on my Playstation I get booted from FREAKING EVERYTHING!!! I KNOW it's not my internet it's your fault! I do just fine with my PC. Figure out what is going on and FIX IT! IM SO TIRED OF THIS CRAP.
I would assume the issue is with your console since you said it works fine on PC.
Sounds like a internet issue.
Stop using the hotspot from your free 2g cell phone chief.
If it were a broad-sweeping issue with Playstation (which I play on and did so for some time today without problems) the forum would be blowing up with posts about it, don't you think?
If your pc works just fine why are you playing on ps?
Git gud…..oh wait…….
Get better internet