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4/28/2024 8:27:03 PM

Give us our vaulted content back

I heard it all about how big the game has gotten, but it's time to give players a choice. In Cod you can install and play the content that you want to play without installing the content that doesn't interest you. I've been here since D1, purchased every expansion and showed my support. All I ask is for what i paid for. Please and Thank you, Mr. Reed

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  • We pay for access to content, not ownership of content. Some people don’t like reading that, but it’s how it is. If ownership is important to you, this is not the game to spend money on. I wish we had all the Crucible and Gambit maps permanently in rotation. I’d like to have access to all the old content, but I guess it gets to a point where upgrading and maintaining a lot of that old stuff is just too costly to justify. How many people are going to regularly play it?

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    • Wish that would happen. However Bungie likes to do a thing called Recycling which makes every planets data pack necessary for the game to even run correctly.

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      • Edited by CjSHINE: 4/29/2024 2:12:22 PM
        Agreed vaulting was one of the most scummy practices i have seen in gaming to date. I felt robbed as a gamer and the company has never recovered in my eyes. The latest announcements have been cooling but they owe us that. Especially if you bought the base game and dlcs. I no longer respect bungie nor the employees. Greed ruins companies. And so does bad leadership seems as if tho bungie has both. Continue to do good will towards your community and earn your respect back as a AAA studio. Until then DO NOT TRUST BUNGIE!

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      • No one wants to play the same content over and over again (Strikes, Gambit, Dungeons, Raids etc) Oh wait! Isn’t that what most of do each week. If we paid for it then I agree it should be in the game.

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        • Edited by Spawn: 4/30/2024 1:48:23 PM
          The only way I could [i]potentially[/i] see Bungie keeping supporting old content was if they dropped support for last gen consoles years ago in the same game — Rise of Iron style just like Destiny 1. I'm honestly astounded that Bungie is still trying to support consoles literally a decade old. Marathon is already announced for next gen only and PC. The argument that very few people think of -- Imagine all the extended downtime, updates, patches, and economy loopholes that they would constantly need to address if all the [i]old content[/i] was still in the game. The simple fact of "if it's exists, the developer has to support/maintain it, even if it's "optional content", even if YOU don't download it. They would absolutely need at least 2 large maintenance windows a week to maintain it (or MUCH longer time frames, like up to a day regularly), not to mention all the development time supporting old content rather than new content. Personally, I'd rather them invest resources in new stuff.

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          • CoD is a very different game all and all. Destiny functions as an interconnected MMORPG as a first person shooter. You need to think of Destiny more like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14 and less like Borderlands or Call of Duty. In the version of Destiny your imagining we would be able to download a PVP pack. The problem come with the fact that sub classes, exotics, and piles of other player power used in the Crucible are all tied to PVE content. This means either Bungie would need to farther chop up the matchmaking pools or the PVP players would need alternative means to unlock ALL of that stuff. This would require a massive restructuring to Destiny. So much so that it wouldn't really be the same game. If games like Destiny provide alternative means or short cuts to accessing player power or end game loot then player will take those short cuts. All of the sudden all that cool story a bunch of devs worked on is simply ignored by the masses. I think what Destiny would truly benefit from is simply an opening of the content vault. A group of people at bungie have made a very cool narrative the highlights of which are there NPCs both pro and antagonist. Having so many of those narrative stories unavailable to players really dose a massive dis-service to the game. It is also the reason Sony management has commented that Bungie is not very economical developer. They frequently spend time and resources making content that they remove a year later. Take the hall of heros. A team at bungie had to model, render and texture that whole hub. In about 2 months that will be removed from the game completely. The team over at Bungie needs to start thinking more economically about there content development if they want to continue to run a live service. Right now the games full price point to unlock everything is an excess of 300$. That is ridiculous. How do you expect to draw in new players if they need to pass a 300$ pay wall to get everything they need (subclasses and exotics) to partake in the end game. Bungie has spoken about wanting to have fire team power levels for accessibility and inclusion but they won't rip down there biggest factor which alienates newer players. I don't think anyone should need to pay over 150$ to access all of Destiny's end game content (annual pass included) All legacy expansions and content should be folded in to the most current expansion purchases that way people can take a break or start playing at an affordable price. This would ensure the long term health of player population. On top of that old seasonal story content shouldn't be removed. It is important to the larger story so it should remain in the game even if you remove the battle pass when that season ends. Bungie needs to think of the long term health of there community if they want to continue to hold there place as one of the more popular and well known live services.

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          • the game moves on, you should try it too. if you played it when it was out you got what you paid for.

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          • They could give it back. You know it’s in the code somewhere. At the very least they need to let us focus all sunset weapons. I prefer that over grinding yet again for content I already obtained at one point or another.

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            1 Reply
            • It sucks but the sad truth is we are basically paying to rent digital content now as we don't actually own it which sucks a lot I miss redwar. Hope laws change and bungie are forced to give us back content we paid for.

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            • Red War and Forsaken would be nice but the rest not so much.

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              6 Replies
              • I'd be cool with an "install the content packs you want" approach, as I have too little free storage space to be wasting it on old content that I won't touch again. Seriously, who the hell is gonna waste 20GB installing [i]Mercury[/i] and its whole [i]one public event?[/i] We don't have tokens or blues anymore, so it'd just be an empty chest.

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                • Destiny already kind of has that. The other day I was farming Kalli with someone who didn't have Shadowkeep. Bungie could easily let us pick which expansions we want to download if they really wanted to.

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                • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 4/30/2024 8:49:02 AM
                  This content should be optional, on demand. Locations and raids. It would expand Destiny 2. Edit: Ironically, the method is just a copy of the Disney Vault - which dates back to the 1990s.

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                  • Edited by A R G O: 4/29/2024 5:43:45 PM
                    Honestly I don't care much about the planets themselves, they're as useless and boring as the ones that are still in the game (this was never destiny's strong suit). That said, I would LOVE to have the raids and the raid lairs back. If they could find a way to add removed story modes that be nice too, but my priority would be the raids.

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                    • Edited by Divine_Majin93: 4/29/2024 10:52:24 PM
                      That won't happen. I mean, we're set to lose Lightfall seasonal content in a month's time. This would imply the corporate cares about the quality of the product and not just schemes to make the hopelessly devoted pay full price for low-mid tier quality batches of content. But what WILL happen is another sunset of weaponry in the future.

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                    • 0

                      In forum jail again. Be back soon. 💕🥛 - old

                      Did anyone actually read the EULA they signed before they started playing, or was that just me?

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                      26 Replies
                      • I understand that this is a complex issue from a development and united player experience standpoint, but I was just saying in another post that they should make a content manager that lets you download Year 1 and you can play any of the story/raid/strike stuff with only solo or private teams who also have it downloaded. Matchmaking would be impossible probably. Then when you have had your fill of that content package, you delete it with the content manager and download the next "Year 2" pack or something like that. Wouldn't really need to have planetary exploration or seasonal content in there. It is probably much more complex to implement that in the current system/engine, but that is just one more reason I am interested in them making a new game with long term systems that are more meant for a long-term MMO. Anyone know how Warcraft handles files and data availability?

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                      • Edited by xbroggiex: 4/29/2024 6:32:09 PM
                        I'm just confused why they haven't opted to slowly bring bits of it back at a time. I had a theory that the previous seasons that have been reusing old locations/assets like Haunted, Deep, Plunder and Seraph were Bungie preparing to return the old content back to the game. They could still return all this content with a sort of 10th anniversary thing though. If they don't bring it back its just going to sting more with how they reused the assets but didn't bring back the related content.

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                        • Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/29/2024 1:05:31 PM
                          I don't think anyone is really against this, but you should know it's not just a simple "bring back old content". It takes resources to get the content into the current game. Resources that are needed for final shape etc. I for one want final shape to be good more than I want vaulted planets back. I want them back eventually but I want the priority to be new content. Every time they bring back old content it's resources that are being taken from new content

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                          • Its not going to be worth the effort to fix it. Im all up for Bungie dropping it in as it was years ago but it'll be a broken mess and people will whine that they didn't make it bug free and flawless.

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                            • That poor horse has been dead for yrs, yet you ppl just keep beating it. Smh

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                              8 Replies
                              • Youre going to get a lot of the "yOu DoNt OwN iT, iTs JuSt A LiCeNsE" crowd that doesnt care what happens to their money. The reall reason they wont bring that stuff back is because bungie lacks both the resources and skill to do so. Their "servers" arent realy servers theyre some hybrib crap that can barely handle what they have now hince why they had to remove stuff (they were told to have dedicated servers for D2 but bungie knows best and now we're suffering their limitless knowledge), then the devs themselves as shown through D2s life cycle no longer have the skills to bring that content up to par, most of them wouldnt even be worthy of being unpaid interns at any half decent studio. Best thing that could happen to this franchise is sony completely take over and oust bungie, only way theyll ever actually profit of the destiny franchise.

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                              • I'd love to see the rest of D1's Venus with D2's visuals. Or a new location on Venus exclusive to D2. That'd also be pretty cool.

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                              • Clearly you don't understand what you purchased. You did not purchase Disneyland, you purchased the ability to stand in line, walk around and ride the rides. Your purchase of Destiny 2 content gives you the ability to play what Bungie allows you. You didn't purchase nor do you own the content.

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                              • [quote] but it's time to give players a choice. [/quote] No, it's time for them to follow through with their word that they would bring that content back. It shouldn't have been removed in the first place. How many years has it been now that the data has been sitting there just taking up space on your system?

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                                3 Replies
                                • It's not actually "our" content.

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