Nobody needs another 51 stat Dead End Cure pushing an exotic or weapon out of their Postmaster
You want us to farm weapons and spend as much time as possible in your game? Then give us more functions to facilitate that type of play.
How about some auto options like
Is:armor - is:legendary - is:pinnacle - action:keep
Is:armor - is: legendary - is: stat <60 - action:dismantle
It will always amaze me how shills will see an inoffensive post asking for a simple QoL change and somehow find a way to get bent about it. It’s like they don’t realize that if it weren’t for the playerbase giving honest feedback and requests, we never would have received content like Taken King & Forsaken, and we would currently be playing a watered down version of Final Shape with no prismatic, no new enemies aside from Subjugators, and likely a story just as rushed as Lightfall.