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originally posted in: Tip for onslaught
Edited by Kenny: 4/22/2024 11:21:43 AM
Some basic - "water is wet" - tips: If you not running Orfeus or Phoenix, be sure that your super will be ready for waves that end in a number 3 or 9 (like 13, 29, 33) cos' these are the boss waves. Abuse the fact that there are no locked loadouts, consider having one bulid/loadout for adds & crowd control, and another one for the boss room, especially if you running something like a Stasislock. When you rally the flag before the boss room, have 2 special weapons equipped, you can always switch to your primary later once you run out of ammo. Solar weapons are king with the artifact mod this season. You can quickly get radiant no matter which subclass you are using, which gives you a free damage bonus ( I think it's +25% in PVE) and anti_barrier capabilities. Bonus tip : If you have a Cenolock in your team you can use Xeno as a primary.

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