Picked up the quest, pulled out my hand cannon and went into pvp.
Certainly got kills with the gun, not assists as the name was mine, and the gun was my HC in the kill feed.
Quest has progressed none after two matches. Is there something I am missing? Or do crafted HCs not work for this quest?
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: I began farming ads for kills on the pve side option an that filled up both meters so *shrug*
Hand cannon kills only count in dungeons or raids bungie says on twitter
I gave up after 3 matches and went into Onslaught with Epochal and got it done pretty quickly.
LOL, went to shiro chi to get this completed and got the pvp portion done before the pve portion.. And I was never in pvp.. just lack of attention to detail on bungies part.
Sunshot + God Roll Forbearance + Shoro Chi checkpoint = Both quests completed in less time than it took to enter the wish.
I just played onslaught, used my thorn and paired it with my necrotic grip exotic. Lets just say I got it before wave 50 hit lol
It's a bug it's not pvp, it's ment to say raids and dungeons
Quest isn’t progressing for me in PvP either
Happening to me too. Guardian kills aren’t progressing towards the Midnight coup quest.
My recommendation. First intro encounter for Vow of the Disciple where you normally would travel the black ferry. After killing the three knowledge bearers you can kill scorn endlessly. Respawning constantly. Easy solo on normal mode. Don't forget some scavenger mods. Works for all weapon quests.
I got mine done in Aphelions Rest, 10% per run with Crimson
Sucks how it’s not wanting to count
I have been experiencing that weapon with special ammo- stasis or strand don’t seem to count towards totals. You might be onto something as well about crafted weapons.
It’s happening to me as well, hopefully it’s fixed soon
Crafted HCs work. It just that pvp requires you 2 kills from what I was experiencing. So, I decided to go to onslaught, and it took me the first 10 waves to finish it.