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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
Edited by Twizt1up: 3/13/2024 7:29:09 PM

Are you an adult? In the USA or Canada? Can you use discord? Check out our clan!

For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. (extra points if you are on around 9pm PST, we need a few more in that timezone) We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able

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  • You still looking for new clan members? If so, I’d like to join. I’m 51, in EST, but usually online long enough throughout the week to get some time in with you PST folks. I’ve been playing since Forsaken (2018) when my son introduced the game to me. Unfortunately the Clan he formed we were really the only 2 active members, so he ditched me. But I still love him. 😁, So just played solo for a few years, but in the last year I joined Clan, but they’re really not that active anymore. There is 1 Clan member I regular join up with to run content, but we only get so far. Further than Solo of course. who actually may be willing to join a new Clan as well. Anyway, I’m sure I could go on, really should have just put a TLDR disclaimer at the beginning. So to finish, I’m a Titan main, but I do play all 3 classes. Haven’t really done Raids and Dungeons, but want to, it’s that Solo limitation thing. Also, just want to be a part of a Chill Group. Don’t need to be dealing with -blam!-. Thanks for your consideration. Cheers 🍻

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    • Edited by EeeeeRealDeadly: 3/16/2024 9:01:55 PM
      38 M Been on here from 3 years ago and got all maps I skipped D1 but I recently bought it as well so I might check that out. Oh and if it’s alright I join your establishment if that’s alright with you. Im a daily player and willing to learn and pass down the torch to other little lights 💡

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      • 23 M East coast played D1 a lot during house of dark below/how/taken king and played a bit of d2 here and there like I’ve done VoG a lot and I have most of the older raids completed I just haven’t played d2 heavily but I want to get into more would love a clan to help with the journey

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        • 27; EST. Started with D1 branched into D2 when it came out and stopped right after the infinite forest and Osiris content. Came back to D2 sometime last year.

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          • I'm searching for a clan I can complete content with. My age well I'm a wife parent and grandparent. That should say it all. If you really must know I will only tell you that privately. I have been playing Destiny since ALPHA. I'm not a pro at building my Destiny characters but I I don't get many good rolls on weapons to work with. I work with what is dropped for me. I'm part of a clan now but I'm not very active with them I tend to do things alone. It's been like that for a long time now. I've run raids but I haven't completed any in some time now along with dungeons. I've moved from clan to clan but I haven't found the right fit. I'm thinking it may be that I'm a female that is the issue. I notice some players putting me on mute most of the time which causes issues with running anything. I'm married and have been for going on almost 30 years I think. My husband keeps track I try to remember. He makes me happy so to me it doesn't seem that long. If that makes any sense. Anyway, if you add me great if not no hard feelings I'll keep searching or go at alone. Have a wonderful day!

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            • 20 / CST / been playing since d1 but just getting back into destiny within last year or 2

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              • [quote]For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. (extra points if you are on around 9pm PST, we need a few more in that timezone) We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able[/quote] 24, Midwest, Been a solo player since D1 looking in getting into more endgame activities.

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                • 29/ MST/ Playing destiny since D1 launch. Looking for a group that's friendly and active

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                  • Edited by EeeeeRealDeadly: 3/15/2024 1:39:26 AM
                    [quote]For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. (extra points if you are on around 9pm PST, we need a few more in that timezone) We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able[/quote]

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                    • 40, West Coast. On destiny daily.

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                      • Edited by romangravy444: 3/14/2024 7:17:20 PM
                        Hey y’all. My name is Roman. I am 23 living on the East Coast. I go to school full time and work, but I do play every week. I am usually on in the evenings EST. I’ve been playing since the original destiny came out. I’m experienced, but I want to learn because my old clan members were never online so I could never do raids or higher difficulty missions. I am 1829 Hunter And 1830 Warlock Thank you for your consideration!

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                        • yall use discord for vc ? im on pc and dont use the ingame garbage

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                          • 21, EST, which means I wont be able to full your 9PM pst sadly. I’m usually busy around the first few days of the week. I haven’t done a raid since destiny 1 and I really need some raid gear. I like doing trials even though I’m not the best. I’m an 1811 hunter with my other 2 characters not far behind

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                            • 44 EST been playing since D1. Looking for a clan that isn't just kids and clicks.

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                              • 18, CST. I’ve been playing on and off for several years and decided to truly get back into the game. 1789 Warlock

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                                • I'm 40+, PST, been playing off and on since D1. Enjoy all aspects of the game. Tough to find Clans that have numerous active members evenings PST.

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                                  • Hello I am a young 53 years old, USA EST, playing since D1. Last clan just doesn’t play. Willing to do GMS, Raids and anything. I work afternoons and am on most evenings around 10pm EST

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                                    • Edited by treeSTANDINstill: 3/13/2024 10:20:27 PM
                                      Hello im a long time destiny player looking for an active clan to learn the new raids all the clans I’ve joined say they are active but are never on I usually work from as early as 8 am to as late as 9pm and like to play whenever I get off work I’m experienced in most raids besides the newest one I know some dungeons but I’m always willing to learn I’m just looking for a chill group of people to play with and continue to grow with I am also 29 years old

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                                      • Hi I'm 18 in college. MST, on every week night for a few hours.

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                                        • Hi, I'm 20, UTC-4. I'm a veteran Destiny player. I played the first one a lot and played the second on release day, so I have probably more than 1000h on it. I never had enough friends playing Destiny to be able to do the raids and dungeons. So, this is why I would like to join your clan.

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                                          • Edited by Dark: 3/13/2024 11:11:16 PM
                                            Hi, I'm 25 and of mountain time zone I have been playing destiny since taken King and looking for more friends to play with . I am very active and consider myself very knowledgeable about destiny

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                                            • 40+, played many different seasons but never took the time to learn the game and equipment system till now. Started playing using a Titan I think around season 4 but after a 3 year hiatus I made a Hunter and for the first time made it from lvl 2 to 6, I have loved leveling her up this Season. I'm in CST and play at various times depending on work but am down for planning raids and other events if other people are up for it.

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