This is asked mostly as a trials player who sees most "fix trials by giving easier adepts" posts. I want to know why you are so fixated on adepts when the reg versions are nearly as good. What is the difference to you, really?
Anyone else who feels they have insight is free to weigh in, of course
Edit: to clarify my question here is mostly directed at the ppl who think that easier/free adepts is the magic bullet that'll "save" trials. Not why ppl want adepts generally, as that's pretty obvious.
Honesty, from me a person who is not interested in adept trials weapons The adepts from trials are overhyped Coming from someone who has done vog master (which I do find more worth cause of the locked rolls) I hate how your effort can lead to rewards being worse then a regular god roll Plus I just really don’t find the idea of pvp stuff being treated as such, not cause of of jealousy or anything, it’s honestly just makes the game mode less appealing to me, since imagine being told “hey see that gun you have, look at this ADEPT version of it” meaning your effort feels worse and useless, but this could just be a me issue