Checkmate Trials is actually quite good. Matches feel more interesting, but decent team mates is a must. I still miss normal ttk though.
More weapons will hopefully get closer to their native ttk's. That's something that's probably a lot harder to get right when they don't get to add what specials and abilities would be doing though. It's a good mode that has a solid group of players that likes it, so that's good.
I’m mixed on it. I like how it handles special ammo. I also like how it cuts down on ability spam. But the increased TTK bothers me. You can’t promote primary gun play if all the primary ammo weapons feel terrible to use.
Not a fan of losing special ammo when manually revived. If special ammo is supposed to carry over through death, that should count in that scenario too. A random player revives you and your possibly-hard-earned special ammo is down the drain.
Be fine if they didn’t frck up with all the bow bull -blam!-