Looking for a clan to join.. I'm not a great player but I enjoy hanging out with others in the game. Preferred to be an 18+ clan that's EST or mainly US based that understands life gets busy and people can't always play. I don't want to get booted for inactivity.. Also hope whatever clans are out there don't mind cursing or having to step away to tend to kids😬
I really just want to get back into the game and make some new friends along the way.
We are one of the few clans that use a visual calendar. We are an active clan, we do raids,PVP, and everything in between. We are an adult chill group that run regular scheduled raids and training events. Must be 18+ RaidersOfTheLostSector We use free apps Guilded and Discord to communicate and schedule events. Join through our discord server: RaidersOfTheLostSector [url]https://discord.gg/JTSDmzpJ5V[/url]