Who in seven hecks asked for radiance? I guess my warlock brethren got tired of asking for new toys like the kind hunters/titans get and just settled on an outdated super that can be pretty much replicated with the exotic formally known as sunbreakers. There I was after having finally decided to come back to the game and finish my guardians' story, I checked out the video with the new supers, and what do I see? hunters, titans, new supers, and warlocks... doing a less destructive version of sunbracers' exotic perk? Why? Not even a week after deciding to come back, I'm reminded why I left in the first place. Bungie loves to hate warlocks.
I'm glad I haven't pre-ordered yet. All I'm saying is that with the final shape delayed, I hope you use this time to throw that super in the garbage and try again with feeling.
Meh, it looks pretty solid. It’s going to depend on how good the grenades are at add clear/damage, how strong the ally ability regen is, and whether or not you get DR We don’t know much about them yet outside of very basic functions, so probably still too early to tell.