More than 2 weeks ago i reported in contact form a cheater with Eriana exotic shooting like 180 rpm handcannon with unlimited ammo in Osiris on CONSOLE. And he still playing this game! I just want to know Bungie. When you start banning this trash?
I won't give any videolinks or nickname. If you want to know pm me, i will share.
Swat The Bot
Be excellent to each other. - old
There is a very high chance you are not finding "cheaters", you are either finding players who are very skilled, using high sensitivity, or are experiencing lag. Regardless, if you suspect someone is cheating then report them. Bungie 100% takes action against all forms of cheating. I constantly get thank you messages from Bungie when they have taken action against someone. [url=]Here's an example[/url] of said message. It can take Bungie weeks, months, or even a year to fully investigate the hundreds of thousands of user reports they get. Rest assured that if someone did cheat, they will be removed from the game.