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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Dredgen Winnower: 9/20/2023 6:20:40 PM

Bungie brought back the worst version of Necrochasm from Destiny 1

Alright so let’s talk about the issues we have with the necrochasm that was brought back to destiny 2 is that it's a weapon of sorrow, but it doesn't fire green bullets like other guns in this category though this is a minor issue because it’s aesthetic/ cosmetic. Necrochasm already has a super quick reload and outlaw is so useless when the base gun reload is more than good enough. And secondly the range is horrible so it needs to be increased. Also replace outlaw on the catalyst with a better and more useful perk like sword logic (Sword logic is preferred and would be the best choice) , rampage/ vorpal,hatchling etc (just to name some examples). And make it so the catalyst grants additional range i was thinking 12+ range so the changed based stats would be 18 impact and 51 range with catalyst granting an additional +5 range. And some thrall explosion improvements and make the cursed thrall explosion better & bigger and not require precision kills and have it trigger on any kill like how it was in destiny 1 year 3 and 4 (Taken King and Rise Of Iron) We also have way better ad clear options for primaries like osteo, riskrunner, sunshot,trinity ghoul, ace, outbreak perfected, quicksilver worm, and graviton lance just to name a few examples of more viable options compared to how bad the destiny 1 y1 ( year 1) version of necrochasm we currently have in destiny 2 is. We should’ve gotten the destiny 1 year 3 version with a better catalyst from the beginning bungie not the most useless D1 Year 1 version…

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