What draws the line between a game sequel
in a historically difficult series easier vs making QoL changes and/or streamlining mechanics?
I ask this because I’be recently replayed DS3, bloodborne, elden ring, and sekiro this summer. Here are some differences I’ve noticed that are non-combat related.
-sekiro: lose half your XP and sen on true death
-bloodborne: can only use lanterns to return to the hunter’s dream
-DS3: automatic rest when resting at bondfire
-Elden Ring: level up at sites of grace points
Realistically it depends what you mean by ‘difficult’. For any change you make for a seemingly good reason, there’ll be someone telling you that it’s a chump move to make the game easier or for casual gamers who can’t put the time in to play properly. When Oblivion introduced fast travel, a lot of the Elder Scrolls community went apeshit over ‘dumbing down the gameplay’ because you no longer had to spend time going from place to place. Clearly Bethesda thought it was a good idea though and put it in all their subsequent games.