I know with the whole bait n switch/auto loading/DPS meta we have that RLs are mostly used for hitting a boss 2 meters in front of you. But does anyone really think that having every archetype track intrinsically (how rockets function in most other games) would be OP??
Although great for DPS, I feel like the main power fantasy of RLs is reliability taking out beefy targets from far distances…which is not fun without tracking. Going from a precision frame to any other frame is jarring when you need to take out a shrieker 50 meters away while being chased by knights and wizards.
The best solution I think is to just make it an accessibility toggle like Full Auto. Replace all current tracking perks with like Field Prep or something.
I think this is a change we can all get behind.
It's rather annoying that rockets can be easily sidestepped in the game if they don't have tracking. Just about every (normally) shieldable red bar has a dodge function, including some typically unshielded combatants like Servitors and Taken Thrall. That's assuming they don't already have a way to tank said damage (besides sheer HP) too.