I have multiple armor pieces (arms chest legs) where a mod is equipped and when I try to change it freezes my console.
I tried loading different load outs which makes it even weirder.
Game says I have mods equipped while in reality I have completely different mods equipped.
For example a load out without surge mods now has surge mods equipped.
And again trying to change them freezes the game.
I tried deleting all mods trough D.I.M. which took all mods except for the ones that break the game.
Not sure what to do anymore, I have now 1 set equipped and scared to change anything.
Really limiting my game and the fun to be had with this.
It has been like this since the new mod system.
Also I forgot; these unequip able mods are invisible, so no way to find which they are exactly. I found some when my game froze, so I deleted those armor pieces but there are multiple left and I'm getting tired of my game freezing.