Title. This mode desperately needs more loot incentives to play, and giving top-tier players the ability to craft Rose and Mercurial Overreach would help a great deal. It wouldn't be breaking the meta or anything either, since enhanced crafted guns are only minorly better than non-crafted guns. This would also give people who don't typically reach Ascendant motivation to improve to be able to craft them in addition to the standard "play 3 games per week for one drop" affair. Maybe even the chance to drop Crucible high stat-roll armor after a win at Ascendant would be nice, too.
I like your idea. Would definitely make the loot pool more lucrative. Not to mention adding additional shaders at higher ranks, and exclusive weapon and armor ornaments based on ranks, kills, and or performance.
yeah making competitive guns craftable will be a good idea, and yeah playing at Ascendant should have a % of drop the gun after winning the game , they added flawless pool so they 100% can add this too .
You're asking for too much from bungie on this one