Guys, I ran the legendary glaive mission around 2 weeks back and ez cleared it with Orpheous Devour Hunter and Wave Spllitter. Tried the same thing now and im getting stomped right at the start.
Enemies have 30% debuff and i got devour and Superconducter for Wavesplitter. I got wrecked this time. Either Devour procs were random or i got one shot with 100 Resil and double Void Resist mods in the OPENING AREA of the mission.
Whats happening? BUGGED? Any Suggestions?
This has been a thing for the longest time even before void 3.0 on bottom tree warlock, devour has a small delay that gets worse the faster you kill enemies, it generally happens based off server stability and your own network and a bunch of coding issues.
Devour comes with a small delay which is enough to get you killed there sometimes.