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4/23/2023 6:28:20 PM

Duality Dungeon ARC/VOID Triumph won't work properly

Guardians, I encountered a huge issue. I and a Friend of mine just did a Duality full clear with an Arc Focus. We never changed anything on the subclass. After the Second encounter, we found out that for me it didn't count while it did on my friend's side. We cleared the Endboss anyways and yet still no completion for me while he had the whole Triumph for each encounter. We started the Void run anyway, but this time I checked it on the first encounter. So we beat it and who would have guessed no completion at all while he had the completion. So we stopped doing it. It wasn't the first time this happened to me. It happened to me in different RAID Challenges too. For some reason those people will not get any progress whatsoever but everyone else. It is really frustrating and I am just very tilted about it. Raids and Dungeons are the only Content I have to catch up beside of doing old lost sectors. However, if things aint gonna work I just don't see why I should do this content at all and pay for it in the future if it won't work properly. I know many people would now say: "So what? your just one of many it won't hurt Bungie." Well, you're correct but if this is the future and if this continues to happen on even bigger challenges or something similar...I would be totally afraid of doing any Flawless Dungeon or something just because of this major bug. Since if it's not checked in your triumphs, you didn't do it at all.

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