Why do titans get another roaming super? Not counting bubble the only shutdown super we have is thunder crash. We already have 5 roaming supers, 4 of which are melee supers(burning maul, sentinel shield, fist of havoc and behemoth), so why give us another melee super when we already have so many to choose from? As it stands warlocks have 4 roaming supers(stormcaller, nova warp, dawnblade, and shadebinder), well of radiance, and 2 shutdown supers( nova bomb and chaos reach not counting well of radiance), and hunters have 3 roaming supers( golden gun, spectral blades, and arc staff), and 4 shutdown supers( gathering storm, tether, and blade barrage, and silence and squall).
So the roaming super to shutdown super ratio with the added strand supers we have
Titan: 6 roaming, 2 shutdown(counting bubble)
Hunter: 4 roaming, and 4 shutdown
Warlock: 4 roaming, 4 shutdown( counting well of radiance)
I’m sure y’all can see the difference. Hunter and warlock get supers that correct the difference, while titan just gets another variation of fist of havoc. I know it’s too late to do anything about it but please, for gods sake, if you want to get us interested in a subclass, giving us a reskin of something we’ve had for 9 years isn’t the right way to do it
I’m a Warlock but I sympathise with Titans, I really do. From @GamesRadar, Bungie on Titan's core fantasy: "Titan mains, we love you. We do. But remember that we try to reinforce your core fantasy. And at some point, your guy's holding the fist on the cover of the game." Absolutely awful reasoning considering they’ve absolutely butchered class identity and by this logic Hunters should be using a gun and nothing else. Us warlocks might have “variety” but only 2 of them are actually viable supers and even then, one of them is purely support based (and supposedly looking to be nerfed soon) It’s painfully obvious how bias Bungie are towards Hunters and I’m tired of us all pretending it’s not the case. They get an absolute variety of viable supers and exotics, which usually have things that take months to be fixed to a degree of fairness. Nevermind not having to use specific exotics to make there subclasses even viable. They honestly may as well delete the other two classes tbh.