So in the Fordaken DLC, the Last Wish Raid, Morgoth fight, shortly after this boss battle there is a corrupted egg.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get this egg solo? Coordinating a fireteam seems impossible for this raid, and I’ve tried using the Destiny app but it won’t let me post as I currently don’t have the latest dlc.
All of the other 39 corrupted eggs can be obtained solo, but this one seems impossible to get without 5 other people. Does anyone know of a workaround or if there’s any plans to move this egg so it can be obtained solo? It’s the last egg I need, and the eggs are the last thing to get the triumph.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
As far as I'm aware, all the solo door glitches/finisher glitches on Morgeth have been patched. So realistically your only choice is either post a fresh run and put in the egg wish, or keep trying for a Morgeth specific checkpoint with the egg wish