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2/3/2023 7:34:33 AM

Enclave Warlock NPC voice lines less frequent? Psychohack VFX bugged?

After season of the risen, the Hidden Warlock NPC speaks significantly less and often times fails to say dialogue after one voice line has completed. If I recall correctly, there was no documented change in TWAB's & it was quite immersive hearing these lines frequently as I manage gear or read in game lore. I don't believe the older frequency of the lines were disruptive so I am hoping its simply a bug. any clarification on this would be appreciated Psychohack's vfx on affected targets is much less intense now to the point of being often times unnoticeable. Both the red scanning vfx and the sparks appearing on the initial proc were more pronounced in Witch Queens launch. I believe this change occurred around the start of season of plunder or season of haunted. Like the beforementioned paragraph, any clarification/update would be massively appreciated, thank you for your time.

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