Fortress has released in an extremely poor state and needs to be shelved, realistically it is way too flawed and has too much of a swing-momentum issue.
1. Game doesn't mercy from unwinnable positions early enough. 30 - 70, even with the high value zone, is most likely a loss. I recently had a game that was 54-105 after 2nd high value zone. No mercy ruling.
2. Too much value out of low cooldown supers. Well and Bubble can be cast twice if the game goes on long enough, every other super cannot. Especially with emphasis on defending a single high-value zone, having only 1 reliable shutdown is poorly done.
3. Turrets going off of final blows vs damage, if a turret is 99'd by one person but final shot goes to someone else, it's a loss of points. Either have all 3 be tanky and hard to kill, or all of them easy so kill stealing is less of an issue.
4. Players refusing to play the objective is multiplied even worse, since the only way to score is to play the objective and capture. Due to this, it might as well be throwing if you have less than 2 captures in the game.
5. Removal of Freelance causes this mode to become even worse, since solo players might run into throwing stacks or large player stacks that leave due to map selection, especially Disjunction, which is arguably the worst map in the rotation currently. I recently had a game where a 4 stack saw it was Disjunction and immediately left, causing the game to go into a 2v6. Game was a loss. 100-126, and only because of backfill shortly after.
Overall, Fortress is a poorly thought out mode and especially with the lack of negative reinforcement towards players refusing to play objectives, like removal of match XP or Reputation, instead punishes solo players and causes games to draw out into a crawl.
Just bring back Iron Banner Mayhem or make Iron Banner Momentum Control, it'd be infinitely better than Rift or Fortress.
Edit: Just had a backfill game. It took until 8-65 to mercy rule. That is way too long.
Fortress is oue of the best modes IB has EVER been. What BS are you going on about? XD