The entire new engram system is just one of the many convulted ideas each expansion. There's already significant to do in the game. How hard would it be to just bring the umbrella and gram to every vendor. But no they have to add eight steps for one easy step! It's like they never learn the simplest concepts. Gear caps ascendant cores the list goes on and on but they never seem to get the big picture. It would be nice if they just said hey we simplified a few things and here's one new system to learn at this point. Just my two cents
Convoluted = Wasted play time = More player hours to pitch at board meetings. It also always Bungie to pretend they are listening when they eventually change the cumbersome systems to what they know they should have been all along. It would be like if I cooked you a steak and burnt it on purpose and then gradually gave you a few more cooked slightly better each time until I arrived at the way I always knew it should be cooked and then you praise me for "getting better".