I purchased the pre-order for Forsaken way back when it came out. I've always been able to play it fine, no issues. Just recently, it says I no longer own it and I'm blocked from doing content that I've done multiple times. I even have triumphs completed for things it says I don't own. I really don't want to spend $20 to purchase it again when I really shouldn't have to. Is there a way I can resolve this? Also, I purchased it originally on Xbox One and over a year ago upgraded to Xbox Series X, so I'm on the same platform.
Greetings! Try [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196071-Accessing-and-Restoring-Licenses-to-Destiny-Content]restoring your licenses[/url] by making sure the content is installed on your Xbox. If that doesn't resolve this, you'll have to contact the platform's support for further support as they manage your licenses, not Bungie. [url=https://support.xbox.com/en-US/]Xbox Support[/url] Also note that the Forsaken campaign and the Tangled Shore have been vaulted, but some things like the Last Wish raid and Shattered Throne dungeon are still available.