The networking of this game has been terrible has continued to decline since the game left the launcher. That launcher had options to select regions and match networking was much better.
The game uses p2p network and uses more bandwidth in a 6v6 game in the Crucible than you would use in a 50-100 player game of battle royale operated by one of their competitors. Since it is p2p traffic, it is important to know my latency to other players so I can understand better why certain issues occur. Issues include shots not registering on the target, me getting hit through walls or locations where I was 3-5 seconds prior, shots stacking and dealing multiple shots worth of damage in a single shot, radar not properly showing location, and other similar issues.
Destiny 1 had the latency bar, but Destiny 2 does not. We need the latency value to return, but in numerical form as milliseconds. I've previously posted a thread with code on how to get this value using the Steamworks SDK and C++. There are a lot of other diagnostic data I would love to see too, but lets first start with latency. If your game traffic is using my network hardware (Juniper firewall, Cisco router and switches), then I should be able to see the performance data in the game.
The value to each player could be rendered in the scoreboard/roster, and the latency to Bungie's activity host could be rendered similar to how the FPS is displayed, or on my own roster card. Hell, the assets for the meter are currently in the cache and have been for multiple years.
You don’t need it. Nope
A latency bar would serve no purpose in this game whatsoever.
D1 had hosts, D2 doesn't. What bar would they show? You connect to all 11 players in a 6v6 lobby, so you've 11 bars, in D1 you had 1 connection, to the host.
Remember when they "fixed latency issues"? Yeah, they just removed the bars so we never know who or when people are lagging. That was their fix
They wont do it because it would expose that there's nothing wrong on our end 98% percent of the time.
D2 does have a latency bar but it only shows your connection. During games if you go into the roster page on the menu it'll show the bar beside your name.
I think you should only (and always in any online game) be able to see your own latency. It DOES help you determine if YOU are the problem. Shouldn't be able to see others latency though. Too many opportunities for harassment that might not even be the end user's fault.