Who ever thought it was a good idea to put the supplicants in the persys boss fight needs a pay cut. It's bad enough we have to focus on the minotaur, harpies, goblins, and persys(who has WAY to much health in my personal opinion) itself but the supplicants are just overwhelming. ESPECIALLY if someone is trying to solo or do the master teir
especially when they make it a requirement for the seal and now guardian rank 11 this is not something i should have to spend 8 hours on just to complete i mean that is raid first time and this isn't that :P
I call them succulents.
Agree....to bad all the people how did this once will gove the git gud or make it easier copy pasted bs. None of the idiots below soloed this dungeon
Biggest pet peeve with the sups is they spawn in your feet. Otherwise staying on the move always and using Null has worked for me.
way too much health, it's that obvious. also the supplicant sare silent and what's worse they are INFINITELY respawning, even before the current enemies are dead (think killed 1), they just respawn straight away.
I didn't have a problem with them on solo or on master. Just turn up your volume lol. They make an obvious beeping noise when they're close it's pretty easy to deal with them
We’ve heard your feedback so we are nerfing warlocks
Yeah, it gets chaotic trying to look for wires while avoiding a million insta kill things hounding your every move, I imagine it will get easier when you know where the wires go by heart, but I am not there yet Definitely the hardest dungeon to date imo, atleast to solo , Prophecy before Solar 3.0 and Res buff is close though
#PleaseMakeThisGameEasierForMe. Got it. Did you ever think your not running the right build to stay alive? Why is it Bungie's fault for providing a challenge?
It’s called a challenge.
Do you ever wonder if the Vex are screaming at Bungie like, “Guardians are bullshit! Nerf them!” 😂
I don't find it difficult. I use a primary smg, jotuun, and hot head adept for boss. This load out takes care of adds with ease.
Cuz They're way more irritating than persys getting across the map, through the door , in three steps.
All the spawns are in the same place. Pretty easy to avoid them actually
You just have to stay on the move, and I'd recommend using a void fusion rifle (or any element, but void will help with the minotaur shields) to disintegrate them so they don't explode. You could also use Lorentz Driver for extra boss damage if you're having a hard time getting heavy to drop. Even with ammo finder mods, heavy drops seem to be extremely rare for me. On our team, we usually have one person dedicated to keeping boss aggro and behind the door while the other 2 complete the circuits, but sometimes it just works out to one for boss aggro, one for add clear, and one for circuits.
Maybe because they're trying to kill you and not have a tea party. The enemies are using dangerous units... I wonder why?
Change your weapon into something that can burst down a supplicant? Sidearm or smg comes to mind.
Rat King w/ Catalyst greatly boosts a solo player’s survivability against the Supplicants although they do occasionally continue to track you while Invis, sometimes staying on top of you for several seconds as you run away. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
Blinding grenades are best friend
Annoying = fun
The supps are ok in principal, but they have a horrible habit of spawning inside your shoes!
It's not that bad add clear and keep moving.
The only thing I wish is that there was a 10 second delay on there respawn. Half the time we take them out quick and they respawn back in 2 seconds later. Lol.
to add challenge
Boss health is fine, easy three phase.
Not hard to deal with, don't be an -blam!-