Name of account 向阳#3003
I like this game very much and have not used cheating. I have been playing this game since 2017
Hello there[url=],[/url] The forums are not able to assist with appeals of restrictions or bans. However, there is a process in place for you to appeal your ban or restriction. Posting in the forums cannot assist you beyond linking you to the appeal and speculation. [u]Please review the [b]Contact Form: Appeal Ban or Restriction article [/b][url=]found here.[/url][/u] [i]Please note that, as mentioned in the article, there is no guarantee for a response, nor is there a guarantee that your ban or restriction will be overturned. The form is for appeals only, they do not answer questions as to why or how long. [/i] Requests for additional information, such as the length of a restriction or reason for a ban, will be disregarded. [u]For more information on Bungie's policy regarding bans and restrictions, [url=]please review the policy here[/url].[/u]
I believe you know exactly what you did last November with all those ghost lobbies
Yes you did cheat as all those ghost lobbies show in your Trials history.
When you visit the Hakke Casino, the casino always wins. You know exactly why you are banned. If you loved the game as much as you say, then you wouldn’t have broken the rules to use match fixing for free flawless trials runs.
As others have pointed out that Trials history is a bit suspicious
[quote]have not used cheating.[/quote] Pfft….
Greetings! The Help Forums are no place to assist in appeals of bans; however, Bungie has a [url=]guide and a contact form[/url] where you can submit an appeal for your ban. This form is for appeals, and not questions such as [i]why[/i] or [i]how long[/i]. If you have already submitted an appeal, then the best thing that you can do right now is wait; the forums cannot assist you further. Please note, as per the guide: [i]There are no guarantees that a ban or suspension will be overturned, nor that an email will be responded to. Requests for additional information, such as the length of a restriction or reason for a ban, will be disregarded.[/i] Bungie’s ban and restriction policy can be found [url=]here[/url].