I was on Xbox Series X last night, and hopped into Control with some PC friends. Oh my god, I thought regular match latency was rough on regular console-only Crossplay matches, but this was a whole new level of latency. It truly was almost unplayable. Fortunately, I have a PC that can play D2, so I tried that instead - night and day difference.
I gotta say, Crossplay connections among the different consoles is usually rough, but console-pc was just awful.
My friend said it's due to the different encryption packets the platforms use, and they just don't play well together. So, not exactly something Bungie can fix nor a problem with any individual player's internet.
It makes me wish that disabling Crossplay on console didn't nuke the matchmaking pool. It's too bad that it adjusts the search purely based on that toggle rather than allowing for something like XB (crossplay on) to match with another XB (Crossplay off), and so it would result in all XBox users without allowing non-XB. Instead it's just a hard line of on/off matching only.
The lag in PVP is the primary issue with D2 that really gets under my skin, and now I have to question if I want to play on PC more just for the apparently better connections.
I'll have to think about it, but, for those that play PC regularly, what do you think about the connection quality overall?
For Bungie's side I guess, is there anything that can be done improve this stuff?
-blam!- cross play