Hey. Wanted to ask if ther is any problem with running Destiny 2 on steam deck but instead in Linux based steamOS, i run it on windows.
SteamOS on steam deck wont even let you download and instal destiny and explecitly say that EasyAnticheat doesnt support steamOS.
But i run windows off MicroSD card and then installed steam and Destiny 2 on external SSD.
Is there a chance i could be flagged for using this hardware and potentionally get banned from using it to play Destiny?
My thinking is i should not since there is no difference in having a desktop and small factor pc like steam deck other than performance of such hardware.
As long as you're launching the game from Windows, you [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049024592-Destiny-2-Steam-Guide]should be fine[/url]: [quote]Destiny 2 is not supported for play on the Steam Deck or on any system utilizing Steam Play's Proton [i]unless Windows is installed and running[/i].[/quote] Bungie doesn't much care about the hardware you're running, they only care about the OS.