So what ive been thinking is that for armor from raids like “the leviathan” or “the crown of sorrow” or old trials armor that have been vaulted could potentially be earned preasent day in game or just acquired from xur. The reasoning behind this is that when it was announced in the 2022 reveal that there would be no more content vaulting it got me thinking that aswell as “reprising” old d1 content such as kings fall this year and vault of glass last year, perhaps bungie could bring back a small old d2 content that is already in game aswell. Ive worded that terribly but you get the point. there is 2 key reasons for this in my opinion:
1. as destiny is a game that encourages individuality and creativity, bringing back some old raid or teials armor would be universally beneficial especially now that we have the transmog system. plus we already have xur selling old seasonal armor and vaulted trials weapons which are meant to be ‘endgame content’.
2. it gives people a reason to log on to the game and actually be excited to earn/buy new/old gear that could be distributed from xur like i said or perhaps earned in a farmable new activity.
I mean it’s content that most of us have actually already paid for so why not right?
Only if they are like how they were first