Hey, decided to just do a 1570 lightblade solo, beat Alak-hul and didn't get any loot. Looked at the top left and noticed it still said 'Reach the Monument" which I think is from the Jungle part of the strike. There were adds throughout the strike so I'm not sure why it didn't progress, usually this kind of bug makes you backtrack to proceed but this one had everything fine until no loot post boss death.
I did some quick googling and saw some old posts about errors on the ferry part back in February but nothing from recently with this kind of problem. Here's a picture of the end of the strike still showing the earlier instruction (sorry for the insane aspect ratio, monitor is 32:9 lol). [url]https://imgur.com/a/1rEgZrQ[/url]
i literally just had the same thing happen to me twice. two full clears with all champs defeated and over 100k score just to end up with zero loot.