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9/23/2022 2:42:13 PM

Anyone else want an in-game shooting range, or is it just me?

It'd just be nice to have an area with a bunch of different targets set up in a massive area, where we could run around and test all our loadouts in a standardized setting. I'm imagining something like a fireteam (1-6) only area with enemy cutouts or statues placed in various groupings or positionings. Those targets could have their crit spots marked and could show the exact outline of each hit they take (bullet, explosion, melee, etc). Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'm just thinking out loud here. Thoughts?

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  • There is one behind the relic on Mars (weapon crafting area). The floating plates count as targets at different ranges and some cout as crit spots

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    • Already have one, it's called patrol.

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    • Agreed. However it needs to be a small sandbox. Where you can load in with selectable enemy types and unlimited ammo/abilities. This would be the damage testing the community has wanted for ages.

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    • It's called patrol kid, not that hard to find.

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      • The whole game is a shooting range.

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        • I thought that was PvE

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          It takes 5 seconds to travel to a destination, there’s your shooting range 🙄

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        • I have pretty bad eyesight, so one thing I do in games is always look for "workarounds", and in Destiny 2 what that means is that I stick to guns that have Enemy Highlight, large area scopes, easy to manage recoil, etc etc. I would be in favor of such a thing as a "shooting range" if on top of having the ability to test OUR guns, we could also test ALL guns. If it's a Virtual Shooting range, then why not allow temporary use of any gun with any perks we can pick, so we can see how the gun handles? Warframe has a "shooting range" that even allows calling in enemies. Now, that would be a TON of work for Bungie to implement, so I'm not expecting anything THAT level of crazy, but yea, having SOMETHING to test guns, DPS and other variables would be a welcome addition. I think the OP makes some good starting points. Because Destiny 2 can already "instance" places quite well, and we even had The Infinite Forest with a functional "randomizer", those, at least to me, sound like a decent base to create a "weapon testing grounds" of sorts.

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        • Edited by StealthJediPro: 9/26/2022 1:51:06 AM
          We had one they took it away. It's still there they aren't letting us access it.

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          • There one on Mars but I know what you are asking you want one in the tower.

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          • Edited by Rainbine 9545: 9/25/2022 8:30:53 AM
            We already kinda have something like that, a shooting range at the back of the forge where we meet Mara sov on Mars

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          • This would be so dope, I feel like apex’s shooting range would be a great example! Having bots (I’m thinking either red jacks or sweeperbot models would be funny). Ik that there’s a Easter egg in apex where you can actually make the bots move around and shoot back and all that fun stuff, I think bungie very well could make this a actual thing and I’d be all for it.

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          • Edited by Cerillion: 9/24/2022 8:45:03 PM
            I don’t know why you’re getting so much hate for this. These forums are just terrible- a shooting range is a a simple thing to add that every other serious shooter has. It’s a simple and easy quality of life thing, and it’s necessary in every MLG shooter- which bungie has stated they have the intention of turning their games into. We should have one, and it should be able to be set to PvE and PvP modes for playtesting purposes, end of story.

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            • Just go to sorrows harbor to test.

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            • You’ll take your minimum viable product and you’ll like it! 🤣🤡

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            • That would be a waste of resources

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            • Yeah put in a shooting range when sooooo much other trash in this game is broken as -blam!- but yeah lets waist time on that

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            • Just you.

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            • I support this. The old Tribute Hall was a very decent place to test things. The Enclave is *fine* but not quite as good.

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            • The enclave is not the same. Don't listen to these guys. We used to have that public area in the Leviathan where you could put trophies.

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            • Why tho? The game doesn't value gun play in PVE for 1 second. I'd prefer the game actually return to valuing the ability to aim and shoot enemies instead of infinite and mindless ability spamming. No need for a range if every endgame activity is about ability spam.

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            • Usually I just play some alters of sorrow and shoot a bunch of thrall. They’re always running around manically! So if you can pop some headshots repeatedly on some, then I say that’s a good way to get better at your aim.

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            • Edited by Kiro - 13: 9/24/2022 6:31:49 PM
              We use to have one, was called the Tribute Hall. It was also just as important as the tower as back in thoes days you did not start activitys with full ammo. So the first thing the group did was hit up the tribute hall. You could even move the kell training dummy. As he always teleported off his podium when a gl was shot at him, after that you just push him around the room to the desired location. O did I mention it had a vault?

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            • While we’re at it can we also have an obstacle course for platform/parkour skill testing with stationary, moving, snd dissolving components. Yes, it can be done in game. My personal preference is to practice without the waiting to revive time waste.

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              • Yeah that would be good. Plus……..ammo refill anytime you travel anywhere in your ship.

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              • Edited by Quiet_Bushi: 9/24/2022 4:59:00 PM
                Would be nice to have one, for sure. I'd say on the Tower would be perfect. It could be very useful both for PvP and PvE players.

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