Would love to throw some Napalm canisters at Hive with big damage numbers...
I hope so, but I also hope they tweak it so that the canister doesn't bounce off of targets if hit directly.
I rather have Patience and Time as it's former self. It's at the point that Bungie might as well just bring the entire D1 exotic weapons to D2 since they have quite a bit already.
2 words… Mountaintop Recluse
Had Dragons Breath in D1 and never used it. Honestly thought it was garbage. But if you want it, I'm sure they'll bring it back, just like everything else.
Give them time. They'll probably give us the first generation one that was horrible and no one used.
Definitely forgotten since we got an IB SMG called Breath of the Dragon haha!
What exactly was this weapons specialty? I can’t recall 🤔
Will we ever get Super Good Advice back?
If they did bring it back they should make the burn act like the burn they added to the stupid boss stomp where it attaches to you for far to long, that way the enemies can't just walk out of it. Then again knowing bungo they won't do that, cause enemies are supposed to have better abilities than us apparently
Honestly, I hope not. Never got Gjally to drop in D1, but I did get about 12 of these useless DooDoo’s Breath “exotic” rocket launchers. Maybe if they buff it and make it actually useful to anything that can move out of its tiny area of effect. But the stuff we have now completely outclasses what it was.
The question is why would you want it. Dragons breath had the promise to be S tier, to overthrow the ghorn as the max damage dealer.... Except. Enemies just pull up their skirts and tiptoe out of it. Even raid bosses are like "nah i know im spose to stand still but im going to just walk out of this" Unless they're going to stop doing that then no theres no reason to bring it back.
Definitely and with scorch
Tether + Dragon’s Breath = a lot of fun!
Dragon's Breath would be perfect now tbh. Should apply Scorch over time whilst having that explosive solar perk
What about our own grenades that function like the enemies? Like, instead of the thermite/arc pulse, they leave a pool of void/solar fire on the ground. Name the aspect “Hear ‘Ye!” because it makes them burn longer, harder, faster, and stronger An exotic bracer that turns all grenades into fire pits. Call it “Pit of Despair”
I keep DMing Shaxx, telling him to give me back my Shards of Willbreaker swords that he squirreled away somewhere when the Red Legion struck. He has yet to respond...
I always have a green shader on my Hothead rocket launcher as a tribute. Being the same weapon model and all. It just misses the teeth
Love to see it back =) it was very fun to use!
No reason to return anything. Since we can't be stronger then our enemy's and game become stupid fan service game.
I miss my invective
I’d prefer Bungie brought Abbadon and Nova Mortis back.
Wonder why this post was made. Could it be because a particular raid encounter returned? 🤔
Dragon’s Breath - Exotic Solar RL - Intrinsic: Napalm Canister - Hold and release (fire) to detonate early and drop a lobbed Napalm canister. Napalm canister detonates on impact with the ground and creates a wide sea of flames. - Trait: Dragonfire - Enemies standing in the Napalm are continuously scorched. Defeating scorched targets extends the duration of the Napalm. - Catalyst: Heat-Death - Napalm deals additional solar damage. While radiant, gain increased reload speed and Blast Radius. Increased ammo reserves stat bonus. Just something I had lying around from last season. Had the same idea.
I want first curse back
I would prefer ice breaker back
I hope so, it was a D1 favorite even before they buffed it. Also I think super good advice, young wolf's howl, and dregs promise would all fit nicely into the sandbox