I found out that a few of my favorite bows got a buff with intrinsic mods, ie Overload on Le Monarque, Antibarrier on Wishender, and Unstoppable on Leviathans Breath, and i wanted to test out that i can use a bow with an intrinsic trait like wishender and the overload bow mod this season, but the Overload mod doesnt seem to work. The Antibarriar of Wishender works on Barrier Champions, but not overload on Overload Champions.
Can i not double up on champion mods or is this a bug?
Leviathans breath had unstoppable built into it when it was released. La monarch and wish ender were updated with champion perks this season.
Hello there[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/902560216871239752/989591085506515074/Hellothere.gif],[/url] Unfortunately, champion mods do not stack. Intrinsic weapon perks override the mod. So anti barrier on wishender will only ever be anti barrier.
No. The intrinsic trait will always take precedent over the anti-champion mod.