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6/28/2022 2:07:28 PM

Verified Email "Isn't Verified"

Hello, I recently learned about the "Claim Digital Rewards" feature and decided to come here and claim everything that's been waiting to be claimed on my account for, apparently, quite some time now. I've used this site before to redeem codes, and I know I've verified my email in the past. However, when I went to redeem the engrams, glimmer, emblems, etc. it said I cannot until I verify my email. So I went and checked, and my current email is marked as verified, however, I decided to go ahead and update it and verified the updated email as well. I also verified my SMS AND checked all of the boxes allowing Bungie to send me stuff, however, when I went back to redeem it still told me I needed to verify my email, even displaying a banner across the top of the site reminding me to verify. I've reverified multiple times, but the site just seems very buggy and refuses to acknowledge that I've done everything it's listed in order to redeem. Is there something I'm missing, or is it just a common issue with the site? What should I do and/or who should I contact, because there is a ton of redeemable stuff just sitting there that I would like to take advantage of? I can provide images of proof that state my email has indeed been verified if needed. Thanks in advance! - MST116

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