in master, under level lost sector it's unable to or barely able to stun a barrier champion.
it needs a buff againts barrier champions and gameplay without champions.
the buff should be:
similar to arbalest the barrier champ should be 1 pop with the exotic and stunning a barrier champion (maybe also when a teammate stuns) refunds 1 or 2 melee charges.
for neutral gameplay hitting enemies with melee throw should refund some melee energy (10%) on each hit or maybe whisper of shards level of melee regen when you have an overshield.
let us build into the shield throw fantasy.
You almost need to be running Monte Carlo to make it work. I agree refunding partial melee energy on each ricochet hit with increasing damage each ricochet would help It just feels so underwhelming I’m having no issues popping a barrier shield 10 levels under master. Could be a bug but definitely needs to 1 shot no matter what level