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Edited by Nekonemicon: 6/25/2022 7:48:18 PM

New Discord bot! Finally verified!

Hey everyone! I am here to show off a brand new Discord Bot known as Hawthorne! The Hawthorne bot is a passion project made by the wonderful person known as Hunburry! Hawthorne is a bot to track interactions between your servermates throughout Destiny 2! It includes ways to view leaderboards and interactions with your closest friends! Hawthorne is currently monitoring 78 servers and 11594 characters. Its analyzed 2214266 unique activities (and counting)! A few questions about the bot we get frequently. How does the bot work? Once you register with the bot, Hawthorne tracks all of your activities and looks at who you're playing with. After that, it breakdowns your activities down and tabulates three ways. How do I get setup? To register, get your customized registration link by typing /sync or /register. Follow the instructions to sync your Bungie account. Once you finish, you'll be greeted with a success page. Once registered, you'll never have to re-register, and Hawthorne will automatically keep track of new guilds you join or if Hawthorne is added to another server you're in. How can I get Hawthorne? As mentioned, Hawthorne is in an open beta currently. After doing a closed beta with a single server, We've recently opened it up to a few more in the hopes to clear up the last few bugs before advertising it to everyone. If you're interested in participating, please join our Discord server and discuss it with us. We would love to have new testers join the team! Once you've joined the server we'll enable all the commands for you and allow the bot to join your server. Why did you start Hawthorne? Hawthorne originally started out as a project for an old mega-clan we were in, based on a program they already ran. When the clan split up, we wanted to bring the program back when I saw how much people liked it and enjoyed tracking their interactions with each other and learning how to make new friends. It's a great community building tool and we wanted to share it with the community we love. What if I have more questions or need help with an issue? Just join the Hawthorne server above and we'll be happy to chat! Feel free to ping us in a channel, leave a question in the questions channel, or report a bug or your feedback using the /bug and /feedback commands respectively. The bot will also automatically create a private chat between you and me, so you can ask in there as well. Okay... Can you explain the points, tabs, and tags Points: Points are generated for every activity completed with another Hawthorne user. Points are generated based on the activity type. For instance, a raid may provide 12 points per user, whereas a strike may only provide 2. Tags: Tags are unique to each activity and can be earned once per season. You get a tag for each activity played with a user. For instance, you and NoobMaster69 can gain a tag together for completing a strike, another after a round of Trials, and more. Tabs: Tabs are unique to each member and can be acquired once a season, the first time you play with that user. This means you earn a user's tab by completing any activity with them. Currency: Its a new command that can add a server Currency based off a percentage of points earned. You can host raffles right now but there's more plans in the future!

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