I love doing 6 solo runs and getting 1 enhancement core and 24,000 glimmer awesome rewards #BUNGIE (kill me)
I feel the pain. I've farmed sectors for legs several days over this event. Done well once 100 runs. Haven't got a single secant filament drop.
1 enhancement cores + 5k glimmer should be the base reward. They should also add ascendant alloy to the loot pool
It's just RNG. I got all my exotics (like 8 from Lost Sectors) on my first run but one. The one I got on like my 6th.
Are you complaining only after 6 dark sector? Toke me 6 hours to drop ONE exotic. Yet another REDACTED wishing to get all exotic one run god rolled.
What's the issue with Lost Sectors? I get that they aren't the most exciting but I wouldn't call them garbage. I think you meant to say "Rewards from Legend lost sectors are garbage" , because they are.
Nothing in this game is rewarding, that’s where bungie continues to fail
https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/pxe39p/93_hours_and_1600_legendary_lost_sectors_later/ They're not that bad.
Yeah the Legend Lost Sectors are ridiculous. I don't even mess with them. All that grind and all that effort for a CHANCE at an exotic. I feel like it should be a guarantee or dang near close to it.
Edited by MattTheBelieber: 5/19/2022 4:30:41 AMM....
A platinum master lost sector reward should NEVER be NOTHING.
Ran several masters recently and got nothing but enhancement cores. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but cores are listed as uncommon and exotics are listed as common. WTH?
The RNG varies massively which causes the problems when people aren't in it for the farming. When doing tests over 10 runs I have seen anything from 10% to 50% drop rate of exotics but even when seeing 50% I think 3 of the 5 drops were the same exotic, further compounding the problem. Needs some attention from Bungie but I won't hold my breath.
They really need to add new ways to obtain new exotics
Seems lazy to me. Put new exotics in old places and throw some bs champions in the way and call it content.
I would rather have random rng drops.
I raise you 15 runs with one legendary (shards), one enhancement core, and a various amount of glimmer (sometimes)
Sorry dude, running 30 lost sectors every season to unlock the new armor is content. Grinding pinnacles is content. Chasing a good roll on a gun that has so many perks you'll get what you want 1 in 50 times is content. (maybe 1 in 200 or so if you insist on a certain barrel and magazine) If spending dozens of hours a week isn't what you're looking for in a game this isn't the one for you. It is not for casuals. This game has next to no appeal without the RNG. Look what happened with D2 Vanilla, they damn near killed the franchise by taking out a lot of it.
I had to do 12 runs to get the exotic chest on my Titan. Since I was maxed out on glimmer, I wasn't getting any of that on the other runs. Picked up 2 enhancement cores and some planetary mats. Got 6 platinum cards done, though!
Up, you can't run from this forever Bungie, you got much more to take care than Osiris.
It’s not TOO bad when you’re grinding for the new exotics you ain’t got yet. But GOD FORBID you try to grind a different roll on exotics you already have because it’ll never happen. It’s ridiculous and needs addressing.
“Common” - I don’t think that word means what Bungie thinks it means.
Master is just as bad. Literally no reason to run these at all
I believe they there just to give you the new exotics.
Yeah. The master isn't with the headace. Was on fire 3 hours yesterday for grasp. Its a waste of time
Drop rate was around 1 out of 5 runs for me, got all exotic armors for all characters. I used krait or servant leader + le monarque or gridskipper + rocket launcher combinations. Some legendary lost sectors are much harder, don’t run those ones.
LOL You attempted something SIX TIMES and didn’t get what you wanted? I ran every raid, on every character, every week for six MONTHS to get Gjallarhorn in D1. Bungie should just make a separate server for the everyone who can’t be bothered to grind. Like all you have to do is land in the tower and you have every exotic. Then like a week later we’d see forum posts like: “Bungie ur worste then saten. I hav too go all the way to tower for exotick?!!3 CRAYYYOOOOONS.”