First things first. Everyone always complains about hunters and how they need to be nerfed. Why can't people just accept they're bad and can't kill hunters. It's a class that takes skill. They are the weakest they've ever been right now thanks to people complaining all the time(Stomp-33Z, Shadow-Shot, Melee). And due to all that they've buffed Nova bomb and the over shield for titans. Nova bomb takes 0 skill whatsoever and the titan overshield is way too OP now and gives the user practically 2 lives. Hunters were good where they were at, but now this is taking it too far and they suck so bad now. What a good thing people on these forums have ruined because they are bad at the game and can't get over it.
Did you just say to nerf nova bomb? Really. The average person will get 1-2 kills with it per match. In what universe does move bomb need a nerf
Nova Bomb requires 0 skill, but Blade Barrage and Silence and Squall TOTALLY take skill, right? One could also argue that if you're supposedly as "skilled" as you think you are, an in air aim assist nerf isn't a big deal, because you could actually aim with said skill.
overshield for titans is a joke now
Hunters need skill? It is the easiest class to play especially in PVP. You just don't want to admit it because you use Hunter and all its cheese ablities to win.
Got killed once per game by nova bomb. Crying on the forums.
Cool, a new hot take! What's next? Ps. Points for knowing the difference between to and too, so there's that.
Another cry about certain class nerf? If hunters would be the most skilled class there wouldn't be so many of them. Good players don't cry about nerfs and just adapt their playstyle, which means that you aren't a good player. Titan over shield is a little bit too much, but at least they nerfed Bastion aspect twice and maybe will nerf again, if needed. Nova bomb is just became usable, it's not OP, it's good, definitely better than shadowshot, but it's not really warlocks fault, that Bungie can't make this super good in pvp