I have been playing trials all day and right as I load into a match there is a chance of me getting pulled straight to orbit with a message stating my internet is having connections issues but if that was the case, wouldnt it remove to the main menu of destiny for being disconnected. To top it all off, everytime this happens I get a message saying I left mid match when literally no one had even loaded onto the match, the match hasn't even started, and I am now facing multiple suspensions for not completing matches. I literally cant even play the game because this continues to happen with no way of it being my connection because it always happens right as the matchmaking finishes and you start to load in. Please fix, I just want to play trials
Something is going on with your connection. What is your ping/jitter/download/upload. It is imperative that you know exactly what your service is providing you. You are losing connection repeatedly so it must be unstable. D2 requires far more stability than any other game out there as such it must be 100% stable all the time especially when trying to play PVP activities. Are you wired or wifi?