This is something that honeslty shouldn't need to be discussed. Today I was at my 7th game on a flawless card, and one of my teammates straight up left the match 2 rounds in, leaving the other 2 of us to loose against a full 3-player team and our flawless cards.
(Freelance for reference)
Therefore, when someone leaves a flawless game intentionally, it shouldn't count against, this way no one looses a flawless due to a teammate leaving. Those who leave intentionally should get slapped with a long ban that extends each match they leave before completion.
Could this exact thing be abused? Maybe. But it being a freelance only thing could help lower abuses as you cannot see the cards of teamates, and helps you not have your runs ruined by someone who quit in a 1-2 match for no reason.
Edit: Updated
OP: you’re spot on…but only in Freelance Trials. Back to Freelance… Imho: if a player quits a match before it’s concluded, a big red Q and/or a red ‘light tag’ appears on their character / screen, which would be plain for all to see for at least that player’s next 7 matches. This would highlight a potential problem player to the other teammates, and give them an option to remove that player from their team whilst the game continues searching for a fresh replacement. If that same Q player quits another match - before those 7 penalty matches are played in full, the quitter receives a ban for the entirety of that weekend’s Trials competition. The a/m would apply to Trials and any other variant, including Freelance Trials. Just my 2d worth. YMMV. Cheers! MDGA 👈