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Destiny 2

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4/8/2022 5:15:12 PM

10. Home Again (FANFICTION =D)

"I still can't believe that Lola didn't actually die. How did my scans not pick up that she was being taken?" Glint pondered as he swooped back and forth to avoid Lola grabbing him with her paws. "I'm so glad you're okay," Mama whispered, as she and Dad [i]finally[/i] released her from a crushing hug. "I am too, and I'm very glad you came back, but- you're grounded. Right, Petra?" "Yep. So grounded. For at least a week." Thora hung her head. "I understand, I probably freaked you out. I was just upset about Lola, and... nobody cared." "What do you mean?" "I... I heard some of you... saying things, and, well...." "Oh, Thora, whatever you heard was only part of our conversation! We were talking about taking her to the techeuns and seeing if there was anything they could do to reverse the situation. We were hoping that if they could bring her back it would also fix what had happened and she would stop following Lidy." "Oh." "Of course we care about you, Thora! We're you're parents!" Dad squeezed her hand. "Oh, just because you're my parents. I want people who love me because of who I am, not just because I'm their kid." "I never said we loved you [i]because[/i] we're your parents." He hugged her. "Because we're your parents, we got to spend tons of time with you and watch you grow up and get to know you really really well. That's why we love you- because we DO know you. I love how clever you are, you're always figuring things out so easily that took me forever to get a hold of. You really have an eye for nature and beauty, and amazing artistic talent. When tough times come, you really step up and you get tough with the times. You're amazing." "And you're so sweet, Thora, under all your toughness and independence," Mama murmured. "Even if you were making bad decisions, you were trying to help us. We understand that. And that's why we're here- to help you learn how to make good decisions." "Okay." Thora hugged them both tight. "I love you guys too. I'm really, really sorry." "Now, as for you, young man," Dad turned to Arjaan, suddenly severe. Arjaan took a few startled steps back, but calmly replied, "Yes, sir?" "Well, as for you, I find it a little suspicious that you intended to run away with Thora." "He didn't want me to get hurt, Daddy! It isn't his fault- and he didn't do anything! Please don't be mad at him, the whole time he was trying to get me to come home, too," Thora pleaded. "Shh, Thora. Give me a minute. As I was saying, I find it a bit suspicious, so don't do it again. But I'm very glad that you wanted to protect my daughter. I see that you care about her very much. But you better be careful." "Yes, sir, I will. It won't happen again." Mama smiled, putting her arm in Dad's and pushing the garage door open to let them in. "Now that you're back safely, I think we should do something to celebrate. Crow, get the grill going, and let's have hamburgers. Arjaan, you're welcome to stay for dinner! Thora, will you wash and cut our hamburger toppings? I'm going to run to town and get some ice cream for dessert. Arjaan, what kind of ice cream do you like?" "Oh, just regular homemade vanilla." "But he puts chocolate and caramel sauce on it. He's trying not to be complicated." Thora elbowed him teasingly. "We already have chocolate sauce, just get some caramel sauce, too, Mom." "Oh, that's alright," Arjaan said politely. "Caramel sauce? I want caramel sauce!" Cal put in. Mama laughed. "I'll get some, don't worry." Thora and Arjaan got out cutting boards and Lidy and Cal cleaned their board games off of the dining room table. Dad brought in a plate of juicy hamburger patties and as soon as Mama returned, they ate. "I like your family, Thora," Arjaan said. "Y'all have really good food." "Oh, I told them to make sure we had good food. You know what they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." "Y'all are so cute," Lidy said, giggling. "Why, thank you, I- Lola! Down!" Thora laughed. "You can't have hamburgers. I'll get you a bone to chew" Lola barked in protest. "No, just because we're glad you're alive doesn't mean we're going to give you people food. It's not good for you, baby." Everyone laughed as Thora gave Lola her bone. That night, everything in the world was right again, as Lola cuddled up next to Thora, ready to fall asleep. "I love you, Lola," Thora whispered sleepily. Lola made a happy little grumbling noise that Thora knew meant she loved her too. This time, everything was going to be alright. [i]The End.[/i]

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