So i completed the triumph, but, my friend don't and when we try to do the code in the symbol room, nothing works.
We've try to find something but we see so many thing et try it all but nothing works.
Thank you for the help.
Hi, i come back because i've find a solution that worked (thanks reddit), so maybe it could help. You must be at least 3. So you go to the wall with the symbols, from left to right, the first and second symbol are just the symbols where 2 persons must stand. The two symbols are active when you see the name below your radar is appaering. The third symbol got to be activated and the fourth must be shooted. So the third person must go beside the symbol to activate and shoot from where he is, but some else can do it, like one that don't have to move (but he got to do it from where he is) You must shoot and activate the symbols almost at the same time. Hope this help.
Been weeks here, only got it done one time and never worked again.
Ahhh so it's not just me. I have ran all 3 chars through it this week to get my very last one but it did not work on any of them. In fact I spent over an hour this morning trying every combination I could think of besides the one(s) that worked for the other 9.
It's a known issue in which players have reported for almost two days with no reply from Bungie. I'm sure Bungie is aware, but they'd have to admit fault that with their attempted nerfs they've halted several achievements.