I’m pretty dissatisfied with the current array of weapons on offer. They’re so very subpar and average. All my best weapons were sunset.
I need a good strong kinetic primary weapon. Currently I have False Promises which I do like. But I want to run another class of weapon. I like hard hitting and precise with an emphasis of stability and impact.
Recommendations on solid load outs would be appreciated.
Edit: Appreciating all these recommendations! I use a lot if what’s been touted like Outbreak, No Time to Explain. All great recommendations. Legendary weapons are more what I’m out for as I often run Sleeper Simulant in high level activities.
I’m going to chase after Fatebringer!
Fatebringer so vault of glass sounds perfect for you The gambit scout although fast firing is great and a champion mod this season The thrown world bow can be crafted to whatever you want Eyasluna handcannon has great synergy with stasis and found in the grasp of Avaris dungeon The messenger pulse rifle from trials of Osiris is hard hitting and rewards precision - it can get a perk called desperado which I consider the most fun perk in the game.